Bridesmaid dress: what to wear, how to choose, photos of fashionable images, ideas


A wedding is one of the main events in a woman’s life. Naturally, everyone approaches it very responsibly and tries to make her wedding the best and memorable for a lifetime.

Bridesmaids are an integral part of the wedding celebration. Therefore, the wedding dress for the bridesmaid is chosen no less carefully than the dress of the bride herself.

In recent years, it has become very popular for bridesmaids to have the same wedding dress styles and colors. The trend is especially often seen during wedding celebrations in America and Europe. The tradition did not appear just like that.

In ancient Rome, this was done to protect the bride from evil spirits. It was believed that if the bride and her friends were dressed the same, evil spirits would not be able to find the newlywed and harm her. They believed the same in Ancient Rus' - bridesmaids dressed the same and were the support and protection of the bride.

Now there is no magic left in this wedding ritual, but from the aesthetic side it looks quite beautiful and highlights the beauty of the bride’s dress.

During the Soviet Union, instead of bridesmaids, a witness from the groom and a witness from the bride were invited to the ceremony. Later, European traditions came to us and now, instead of witnesses, the second main person in the wedding ceremony is the bridesmaid(s). The bridesmaid accompanies the bride during the ceremony, helping her with everything. She will be there in almost all photographs and will remain in wedding photos for the rest of your life.

Based on this, the groomsmen's dress for the wedding is chosen by the newlyweds very carefully, because it is an integral part of the celebration. Many brides would like to create a whole “retinue” of bridesmaids, dressed in identical dresses to match the color of the wedding celebration.

Matching dresses for a friend's wedding

Let's consider all the pros and cons of this option.

The positive points are:

  • Spectacular and expensive appearance of bridesmaids;
  • The identical outfits of the bridesmaids highlight and emphasize the dominant role of the bride and the beauty of her dress;
  • You are guaranteed to get gorgeous wedding photos, where the bridesmaids will be the background for the newlyweds;
  • Support of the stylistic decision of the wedding ceremony.

Negative points:

  • Each girl has her own figure and choosing a dress style that would suit everyone is extremely difficult;
  • Additional costs - not everyone can afford them;
  • Dresses will have to be sewn in a studio, which means additional hassle - buying fabric, taking measurements, and spending time on sewing.

Having developed the general concept of the wedding, at the same time as purchasing the bride's dress, you need to look for a bridesmaid dress.

Who pays for the bridesmaids' dresses? There are several options:

  1. If the choice of dresses is very important and approved by the overall concept of the wedding ceremony, according to tradition, the bride's family should pay for them.
  2. The bride's family pays for the fabric, and groomsmen pay for the tailoring. Models must be specified.
  3. Having the desire and opportunity, the friend herself can pay for a wedding dress for a friend.
  4. It happens that friends decide among themselves who will go to the ceremony and what they will wear, taking into account the general theme of the celebration. The newlyweds learn about this already at the wedding.

What should a bridesmaid's outfit look like?


In general terms, a bridesmaid's dress for a wedding should be simple in design, sophisticated and sophisticated, should support the concept of the celebration, match the color scheme of the bride's dress, but be somewhat simpler, serve as its background and emphasize its beauty.

Full skirts are considered unacceptable. Only a bride can have such a skirt.

Very short dresses, bright accessories and deep necklines are not welcome.

Wedding dresses for bridesmaids, photos of which are presented below, are made in different versions.

A dress for a wedding as a bridesmaid may differ from each other in certain nuances:

  • Option 1 – when sewing, different styles are used, but one material is the same color. This is a very acceptable option. It allows girls to choose a model that suits each one.
  • Option 2 – dresses of different colors, made from the same fabric and the same model. In winter, it is better to choose bright colors - cherry, blue, gold.Powder bridesmaid dresses look especially flattering in the spring and summer. Soft pink, soft menthol, pastel yellow, emerald will look great. The only prohibition is the color white. It rightfully belongs to the bride.
  • Option 3 – dresses with stretching colors from dark to light tones. The essence of the option is that each friend selects the shade of the dress that suits her color type. At the ceremony, they line up on both sides of the bride in order “from dark to light” and back again. It looks quite interesting.
  • Option 4 – transformable dresses. Classic wedding fashion. They are made from wrinkle-resistant fabric - oil, are inexpensive, and drape very beautifully. Allows many wearing options. A bridesmaid dress for plus-size women can be made in this version.

To emphasize the theme, some unifying elements or accessories are often used: bouquets of flowers, belts decorated with pebbles.

About the length. There are no rules here. Long and midi dresses look the most elegant. The “case” model is a win-win option. A long dress in A-line or Column style will captivate with glamor.

The bridesmaid dress is short - in the "shift" style.

The dress for a friend’s wedding, the photo of which is presented below, is knee-length. This is a “shift” style, an option for friends – a straight, slightly flared dress, suitable for different body types. A girl with any figure can feel comfortable in it.

Now let's turn our attention to shoes. It also has certain requirements. It should be comfortable, since the bridesmaids are unlikely to have to stand in one place. Ideally, it would be desirable for everyone to have the same shoes.

The coming year 2022 has made some adjustments to wedding fashion.Nowadays, it has become unfashionable for friends to wear identical dresses; this is a trend of past years.

This year, individuality is in fashion. You can come to a wedding in overalls and it won’t surprise anyone.

So, choose a dress for your groomsman this year from the options listed above. Any of them, with proper preparation in accordance with the theme of the wedding celebration, will look unforgettable.

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