Which is better for a suitcase: polypropylene or polycarbonate?

When planning a trip, a traveler is faced with the difficult choice of a convenient and practical suitcase for the safe transportation of things. The most popular suitcases are made of plastic, represented by varieties made of polypropylene or polycarbonate. Many inexperienced buyers cannot decide for a long time in favor of one material or another.

Properties of polypropylene and advantages of such a suitcase

polypropylene suitcase
This thermoplastic polymer is produced industrially by injection molding. Granules of the substance are melted under pressure of more than 1000 tons and poured into a specially designed container. At this time, the coloring composition penetrates the entire area of ​​the material. Suitcases made of polypropylene have undeniable advantages:

  • High strength and wear resistance. Such a product is not even subject to corrosion;
  • Good shock-absorbing qualities. The products are impact-resistant and protect valuable cargo well;
  • Resistant to temperature changes and sunlight. Also, they do not fade when exposed to the sun for a long time.Withstands temperatures from -40 to +160 degrees;
  • Possibility to carry a suitcase empty or partially filled;
  • Variety of design solutions. Polypropylene lends itself well to dyeing. Therefore, you can find all kinds of colors and prints in the market;
  • Easy to maintain and clean. It is easy to wash both outside and inside.

All of the above characteristics indicate the reliability and durability of such products.

Attention! The disadvantages of polypropylene products include their heavy weight and the inability to secure the lining in it. However, it is planned to solve this problem in the near future, because... Designers and technologists are already working on it.

Characteristics of polycarbonate and advantages of a suitcase made from it

polycarbonate suitcase
This material appeared on the market much earlier than polypropylene. The first mention of it was back in 1976. Modern materials have slightly changed their structure. It includes phenol and carbonic acid. This is one of the materials that is environmentally friendly and safe for human health. It is also actively used in construction and other industries. Its main advantages include:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress due to the presence of a special film. Cuts and scratches on such a surface are practically invisible;
  • Resistance to high temperatures;
  • Good shock-absorbing qualities. Able to withstand strong impacts;
  • Lightweight and maneuverable. This makes it possible to take a lot of different things with you, including heavy ones. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about being overweight at baggage check-in counters and possible surcharges for extra pounds;
  • Variety of design solutions. Large selection of bright and rich colors. The surface can be either matte or glossy, and the texture of the product can be corrugated;
  • Moisture resistance. The surface does not absorb liquid. So, you don’t have to worry about keeping things in proper shape even under the influence of rain, snow or accidentally spilled engine oil in the transport compartment;
  • Resistance to bacteria.

The suitcases have a well thought out design. Thus, special wheels ensure its convenient transportation, and a combination lock protects against burglary. The handle of the product allows you to evenly distribute the load over the surface of the bag.

Important! It is recommended to transport polycarbonate suitcases completely filled with things.

Which is better for a suitcase: polypropylene or polycarbonate

Which is better for a suitcase: polypropylene or polycarbonate?
Although the basic parameters are similar, these materials have distinctive features that should be taken into account during the selection and purchase process. It is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish them by appearance. Therefore, it is better to consult the seller about the composition or carefully read it on the label. You should consider the purpose of the product and be guided by personal preferences. Let's consider the main qualities of the two materials in comparison, which are most important for the buyer:

  • Impact resistance. In terms of this parameter, both species demonstrate excellent performance, not inferior to each other;
  • Shock absorption capabilities. Polycarbonate has much better capabilities. So, if the models are subjected to strong pressure, then the polypropylene will “give up” much faster;
  • Weight. Suitcases made of polycarbonate are much lighter than products with exactly the same configuration, but made of polypropylene;
  • Resistant to cracking. According to these indicators, the capabilities of the bags are approximately equal. Both types have good performance and the ability to withstand negative environmental factors.

Reference! To transport valuable and fragile items over long distances, it is better to give preference to polypropylene products. They are more rigid and hold their shape well.

Polycarbonate is better to choose for women, children and older people because... it is lighter and more maneuverable. It is also better to take such suitcases for convenient transportation of a large number of things. For example, when moving with the whole family, you can pack all your things in one place and not have to look for several small suitcases on the luggage belt. If things are light, then you can take a polypropylene suitcase.

Thus, both materials, polypropylene and polycarbonate, are excellent materials for a suitcase that can ensure reliable transportation of things. We hope that this article can help you understand their main differences and choose the most suitable thing for yourself.

Reviews and comments

Something in the article is wrong: polypropylene is lighter than polycarbonate. And a polypropylene suitcase may not be completely filled - somehow it doesn’t fit with the fact that “it will give up early”...

T Tim:

Useful article, thanks


