PVC: areas of use of the material and its advantages


PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a material that has recently been used more and more often in modern production. It is a special type of plastic made by processing oil and mineral salts, transparent and dense.

The film made from this material is used to make a wide variety of products. It is very easy to use, strong and durable. PVC film is sold wholesale in specialized stores - offline or online. It can perfectly protect from the sun, moisture, and is not afraid of strong temperature changes.

Main advantages of PVC

If you compare polyvinyl chloride with other types of materials, you can find a lot of advantages. The main advantage is undoubtedly the low cost. If you compare the price tag with materials with a natural composition, of course, PVC will be several times cheaper.

At the same time, its functional features are irreplaceable. This film is strong, durable, absolutely transparent, and perfectly withstands the effects of any aggressive substances, including chemical care products.

The material can be considered completely universal and practical. It is easy to clean from dirt and dust. Does not allow water to pass through. Has increased dielectric properties. It is most often produced in the form of rolls, but can also be found in the form of individual sheets.

PVC, of ​​course, can catch fire, but it has one feature - the polymer does not flare up instantly, it has the ability to self-extinguish. This allows the material to be used in rooms that are subject to increased fire safety requirements.

PVC is a durable and reliable material. The service life is quite long. If necessary, any image can be applied to the polymer using digital printing.

Area of ​​use of the material

Polyvinyl chloride is used in a wide variety of fields:

  • Construction;
  • Production;
  • Medicine, etc.

Nowadays, PVC surrounds us literally at every step. In construction, this type of polymer is used for all types of work. It is from polyvinyl chloride that canvases installed as suspended ceilings are now made.

PVC is considered environmentally friendly. Therefore, such ceilings are allowed for installation in any premises, including hospitals, schools, and kindergartens. If we compare a ceiling made of PVC and one made of fabric, we can immediately say that the option made of polyvinyl chloride is not only cheaper, but also more practical.

This ceiling covering will be durable under the correct operating conditions. Its colors can be very different. You can order a plain ceiling, or with a pattern.

PVC curtains and curtains are most often used for warehouses. Since this material retains the set temperature well, they are installed at the entrances to warehouses used as refrigerators.

Such curtains are transparent curtains cut into wide strips. If you need to go into a room, you just need to pull this curtain apart with your hands. The thickness of the polyvinyl chloride used to make curtains can be different: there are curtains with a thickness of 2, 3, 4 mm.

Thanks to this design, air from the street does not penetrate into the warehouse. This is what allows you to maintain the necessary climate inside. Also, PVC curtains will also help get rid of drafts.

Packaging material for a wide variety of products, including food products, is made from polyvinyl chloride. The film will help extend the shelf life of any product.

In furniture production, colored film is used to cover furniture. PVC makes furniture durable and practical. The cost of such furniture will be low.


