Anti-moth remedy in the closet: what to put and how to get rid of the parasite


Probably every resident of an apartment or private house has at least once in his life wondered what helps against moths in the closet and how to deal with them? Parasites enter indoor spaces naturally. They can climb into the hood, fly through a window or balcony. Sometimes a neighbor's apartment becomes a breeding ground for insects. The most dangerous thing is not the butterfly, but the parasite larva. Adult insects do not search for food. Their life activity is ensured by the energy resources that are in reserve. The accumulation of these energy reserves occurs when the moth develops as a larva.

The winged individual flutters around houses in order to find a place to lay eggs. The movements of this insect are very fast. If the parasite is male, it flies to visit people to find a female. If a moth has settled in a closet with clothes and eats natural fabrics such as cotton, wool or silk, it is called a clothes moth. For her, the most comfortable living environment is furniture where clothes are stored.

Butterflies settle on shelves with things, in clothing pockets and lay larvae. This process takes three weeks. Moreover, in such a short period, a small parasite can lay more than a hundred eggs. According to experts, the maximum moth offspring was once recorded, which amounted to two hundred larvae.

Clothes moths - how to get rid of them, what to put in the closet against moths

For many years, people have been searching for an answer to the question: what is best for moths in the closet? Repairing wool items damaged by moths is not only a complex and expensive procedure. Sometimes it is impossible to restore a product.

Every insect control product has some kind of disadvantage. One product is ineffective, another has an unpleasant odor, and the third is dangerous for pets. Manufacturers regularly release new insecticides, but many continue to trust traditional methods. Which folk remedy against moths in the closet should you choose? Here are the most effective of them:

  • Peeled clove of garlic. If the larvae have already chosen a place, garlic will not help solve the problem. But it is effective in the fight against flying parasites. Our great-grandmothers used this smell from moths, carefully arranging the cloves on the shelves of cabinets.
  • Collections of dry herbs. A small package of mint, St. John's wort, wormwood, chamomile, thyme and other herbs will repel insects. The bag can be made from gauze or chintz.
  • Drops of essential oils. According to many housewives, the best remedy for moths in the closet is lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and orange oil. But it also does not fight larvae. But a few drops on the shelves repel butterflies for a long time.
  • A bar of laundry soap. The advantage of this method is its affordable price and proven effectiveness.The disadvantage is that the aroma will remain not only in the closet, but also on things.

Moths in shoes - what to do, how to get rid of moths in the closet

The second common problem is moths in shoes. Parasites don’t mind eating the fur from winter boots, and are happy to lay eggs in their favorite boots. Proven means to combat them:

  • Cassettes or records - effectiveness lasts for a period of four to six months. They are based on polymer raw materials impregnated with a special agent. It will not only repel winged insects, but also deal with larvae. It is enough to put one cassette in the shoe compartment.
  • Spray – valid from six months to a year. Products based on herbal ingredients will not harm pets or people. The effect is noticeable instantly, the spray gets rid of larvae and butterflies.
  • Tablet. This is a rather outdated method of fighting moths, but many still use it today specifically for shoe departments. The tablet is effective in small compartments. For example, to protect 1m3, you will need five tablets. But they not only kill larvae and butterflies, but also prevent them from reproducing for four months.

There are moths in the closet with clothes - what to do?


If moths are noticed in the house, washing or freezing things is the first way to protect clothes. In addition, the closet must contain a source of some kind of aroma that parasites cannot tolerate. For example:

  1. Place citrus fruit peels on shelves and drawers. The skin of a tangerine, lemon, or orange is suitable. Butterflies will not fly into places with a citrus scent, but this method is not scary for the larvae.
  2. You can put a few branches from a walnut or chestnut tree on the shelf. A couple of pine chips with a pungent resin smell will also work.Parasites cannot tolerate the pungent odor of these trees.
  3. A live tobacco plant is another option to drive away unwanted tenants. The pot should be placed as close as possible to the furniture where the moth was noticed. If there is no live flower, dried tobacco will do. Just pour crushed leaves into a jar and put it on the shelf.
  4. For many generations, there has been an opinion that if there are geraniums in the house, moth holes will not appear in the coat. Moreover, this indoor flower is capable of driving away not only clothing parasites, but also kitchen moths. Unfortunately, geranium is powerless against larvae.

A moth has eaten a coat - what to do, how to repair a moth hole in a coat

If, after all, the moth ate the coat, leaving terrible marks on the product, restoration will be quite difficult. A smooth surface covered with fluff looks like it is beaten and uneven. You can try to return the clothes to their original appearance using special needles and a brush used for felting.

The main task of this process is to restore the eaten areas. Of course, if the parasites have eaten through the material, felting tools will not be able to help. The operating principle is similar to that used by needlewomen who use the felting technique.

From the inside of the outerwear, we will try to draw the fibers to the outside. Using a triangular needle, you need to push it out very carefully, one lint at a time from the inside to the front side. Using a reverse triangular needle, we act in the opposite way - we pry it through the front part of the pile from the inside and pull it out.

After completing the work, carefully iron the restored areas using steam. First, a special mesh or gauze is placed on the coat.

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