Adidas – whose company?

The German company producing sportswear, shoes and accessories is one of the most recognizable and popular. Its products are proudly worn by both world-famous stars and ordinary people.

In what country is Adidas founded?

Its homeland is post-war Germany, the official date of creation is 1949. However, the brand owes its appearance to events that happened almost three decades earlier.

How it all began

In 1920, the Bavarian Dassler family, who lived in the provincial town of Herzogenaurach, opened their own business. House slippers and orthopedic sports shoes were made from decommissioned military uniforms and car tires. The workshop was headed by two brothers - Adi and Rudi Dassler, and all members of the large family were involved in production.

The company's business quickly went uphill. In 1925, the enterprising Adolf created the first studded boots. Their soles did not slip, so the risk of injury was minimized. Not only beginners, but also famous athletes began to give preference to such shoes. Their victories at major competitions gave the studs good publicity.
By 1938:

  • the brothers were the owners of two factories;
  • more than 1 thousand pairs of shoes were produced daily;
  • The annual income from the family business approached half a million German marks.

After the end of World War II and the American occupation of West Germany, the brothers quarreled and divided the factories. Each created his own company: Adi Dassler - Addas, Rudi - Ruda. The names were soon renamed Adidas and Puma.

History of brand development

Over the next twenty years, Adolf introduced a number of innovations that contributed to the company's rapid growth, including:

  1. Lightened the boots by replacing leather and steel with nylon and rubber.
  2. Made the spikes removable.
  3. He expanded the range of products, establishing the production of bags and clothing and even sports equipment.
  4. Conducted a number of successful advertising campaigns. He was the first businessman to involve professional athletes in advertising his products. For each event, exclusive new products were developed that no other manufacturer could offer.

In addition, the brand conquered not only the European but also the overseas market and became international.

By the way! At the 1976 Olympic Games, athletes wearing Adidas gear won 249 medals. No company can boast of such a trophy yet.

Adidas equipment

After the death of the founder in 1978, the company fell on hard times. It passed from hand to hand and faded in the shadows of Nike and Reebok. In 1993, it was acquired by French investors led by Robert Louis Dreyfus. They almost doubled the company's marketing budget and set a course for exporting production to Asian countries. Attracting cheap labor helped reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of Adidas products.The company managed to set affordable prices, and people with different income levels could afford the products.

By the beginning of the 21st century, the brand had become the second largest manufacturer of sporting goods after Nike. A positive role was played by the acquisition of shares of other companies, for example, Reebok and their merger into the concern.

Adidas in the modern world

Today, the international brand with the “three stripes” firmly holds one of the leading positions in the world market. The legendary company has a great influence not only on the development of sports, but also the fashion industry and culture. She keeps up with the times and creates collaborations with world celebrities.

Main activities

One of the most popular brands deals with:

  1. By making clothes and shoes not only for sports competitions, but also for the lives of ordinary people. In 2001, it was decided to launch two production branches. The Performance line represents collections created based on Hi-tech developments. Originals are everyday looks with sporty elements.
  2. Production of various accessories and equipment. Revenue from this product category is approximately 4%.
  3. Advertising. Videos featuring David Beckham, Muhammad Ali, Lionel Messi, Katy Perry, Kanye West and other stars have become iconic slogans for entire generations.
  4. Sponsorship. The company regularly signs contracts both with individual players and with entire teams and clubs. These include Real Madrid, Milan, Manchester United and even the Russian Football Union and the NHL.

Where are brand products produced and sold?

About half of the shares are concentrated in the hands of several shareholders from France, America, Canada, and the Cayman Islands.The company itself owns only two factories: in Germany and the States. The products are mainly manufactured by 130 partner companies. More than 70% of all goods are produced in Asia, about 20% in the USA. The rest of the market is divided approximately equally between Europe and Africa.

The headquarters of the concern is still located in Herzogenaurach (Germany).

Adidas headquarters in Germany

Key offices are located in Portland (USA), Shanghai (China), Amsterdam (Holland), Moscow (Russia and former CIS countries), Costa del Este (Panama), Dubai (UAE) and other parts of the world.

Adidas offices

Most of the products (90%) are sold under the Adidas label, the rest are labeled as Reebok. You can purchase it in company stores in any country where the company or its partners have a representative office.

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