What is an Adidas discount center

Translated from English, discount means “discount”. A discount center is an official sales representative of a manufacturer that sells its products at discounted prices. Adidas, being one of the leaders in its market, has such centers in all corners of the world.

Adidas discount center


What is an Adidas discount center?

This is practically the same as a regular company store with all the “identification marks” of the brand. However, there are a couple of differences:

  • there are practically no new products for the current season;
  • Prices have been reduced on absolutely all products.

Design and operation scheme

Actually a discount center This is a retail outlet or online platform where the remnants of last year’s collections are sold. Fashion trends change quickly. What was considered her last “squeak” yesterday may already become irrelevant today. Everything that the brand does not manage to sell during the season in branded stores is taken to discount centers. To increase liquidity, prices are “reset”. Any item that is sold there is cheaper than the same thing, but in a regular store.The amount of the discount depends on many indicators, including:

  • on the “age” of the product;
  • demand for size;
  • presence of defects.

By the way! Sometimes there are models with defects: manufacturing defects, as well as those resulting from careless transportation or storage. Disadvantages are not hidden from the buyer. On the contrary, for loss of presentation, an increased discount is provided as compensation.


The main one is financial benefit. You can get a high-quality and stylish item from a popular brand without compromising the family budget. It's always nice to brag about a successful purchase to your loved ones or catch the admiring glances of strangers on the street.

Reference! The average savings on purchases for consumers ranges from 30 to 50%.

In addition, Adidas discount centers:

  • sell products of Adidas and Reebok, which became one after the merger;
  • located in 65 cities of Russia, and in regional centers there are usually several of them.
Adidas Treble Center



These include the absence of:

  • the desired model - if it is popular, it is sold out in the company store;
  • the right size - the more popular it is, the less likely you are to get it.

If you have patience and time, you can regularly update your wardrobe in a sporty style and save money at the same time. You just need to wait a couple of months until the collection is updated and “watch out” for discounts. After the delivery of the next batch, a well-known proverb applies: “Whoever didn’t have time is late.”

On a note! The official Adidas website has a special sales section where discounted items are displayed. There are things from different warehouses and retail outlets. And you can also be pleased with the choice.

Adidas discount website


Opinions of regular customers

It’s easy to find reviews about Adidas discount centers on the Internet.Most commentators have been using their services for many years. They are happy:

  • variety of assortment;
  • reasonable prices;
  • good quality products;
  • polite and unobtrusive service.

Some users are “stressed out” by:

  • difficulties in finding the right size;
  • crowds and chaotic arrangement of things, especially on the day the next batch arrives;
  • the occasional marriage;
  • poorly selected staff.

Of course, many problems are local in nature. The correct marketing and personnel policies, the solvency of the population in a particular region and other factors are important.

What else Interesting know

A discount center should not be confused with a stock store or outlet. In the first, the products of only one company are sold, and the “competitors” can be multi-brand.

An outlet, as a rule, is a separate retail outlet with a wider selection of goods. They come from both boutiques and production facilities.

Stock stores sell clothes and shoes that remain unclaimed in factories. However, not all products are related to brands.

The Adidas discount center is of interest, first of all, to those who strive for optimal balance between cost and quality. For the sake of owning branded items at affordable prices, you can put up with some inconveniences. After all, compared to the obvious advantages, there are not so many of them.

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