Jeans pocket organizer

jeans pockets 8Many people have several pairs of old jeans that they can no longer wear, but they don’t even dare throw them away. Yes, this is not necessary, because from such things you can make convenient organizers that will be useful both at home and in the country, in the car or garage. Here are some creative ideas to reuse old jeans.

Required materials and tools

jeans toolsTo make a similar product you will need:

  • old jeans;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle and thread of a suitable color;
  • sharp scissors.

Depending on the chosen model, you may additionally need glue and various decorative elements for decoration.

How to sew an organizer from old jeans pockets?

The basis for such a product can be made from whole jeans, in the front part of which it is necessary to form slits, and then stitch it to the back part to form pockets. Or you can use one of the methods below.

Organizer case for high chair

A great way to collect all the supplies you need in one place. a little artist will need for drawing. To make such a product, you should cut off the leg of the jeans, rip it apart along the seam and cut off half. Then sew several different pockets to the base. Then fold 1/3 of the resulting fragment and stitch along the sides, to form a kind of pocket, thanks to the cover can be placed on the back of a chair. To the opposite part you need to sew ties, with the help of which the lower part of the cover will be fixed.
jeans chair cover

For useful little things

Such original products will help make life easier by organizing a variety of things: from stationery and sewing supplies to books and magazines. You can make such organizers from unwanted jeans and plastic bottles.
jeans pockets for small items


A cute basket made from unusable jeans can adequately decorate the dining table both at home and in the country. In a similar basket Conveniently store eggs, small fruits, buttons and other items.
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Cases for gadgets

Even a beginner can easily make such a stylish gadget organizer from an old jeans pocket.

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Thanks to the presence of a small handle, in a similar case Convenient to charge smartphones with a very short cord.

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Bag (box) for children's toys

This pouch made from denim shreds with a clear vinyl side panel will keep you comfortable. store small children's toys (for example, blocks). On top you can make a practical tie from a thin lace. You can also cover the boxes with denim fabric.

Panel organizer

This wall organizer option is useful in any home. You can do it as follows:

  1. A suitable base can be made by sewing the pant legs together.Before doing this, the jeans should be ripped apart at the seams. Thick seams need to be cut off.
  2. Then you need to measure the desired width and height of the product, stitch together denim fragments and trim the edges.
  3. Now you can sew pockets and fastenings to the base.

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Advice! Before starting work, it is recommended to determine what items the organizer will be used to store. This will help you understand what type of fastening and how deep the pockets will be required for its manufacture. The strap loops are suitable for securing small items. For larger items, denim pockets should be sewn to the base.

Denim stands from different denim pockets

An excellent option for both adults and children. This practical stand is easy to make, simply by sewing denim pockets onto another material that matches the texture (for example, on part of an old shirt). To decorate the edging you can use denim belts with loops. This will not only decorate the product, but also give it additional rigidity.
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Organizer stand for a sewing machine with pockets for needlework

This option will no doubt be appreciated by needlewomen. The most necessary sewing accessories and useful little things Now they will always be at hand.

For the summer resident

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Such a product would be an excellent option for a summer residence. The pockets of this organizer can accommodate small tools, which will come in handy when performing a variety of jobs.

For girls with applique

Organizer made from old jeans decorated with a beautiful bright applique, a girl will surely like it. It’s convenient in such an organizer store hairpins, hair ties, combs, notepads, headphones, sunglasses, as well as other items of similar size.

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Denim fabric has good durability.An organizer for useful little things made from this material will last quite a long time, and its manufacture does not require any special skills or special patterns.

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