Making a pocket for a baby crib with your own hands

With the birth of a baby, parents are faced with new and sometimes unexpected worries. That’s why it’s so important that everything in the children’s room is thought out to the smallest detail. Every girl with a goal can sew such a functional and at the same time beautiful accessory with her own hands. You just need to have skills in handling sewing supplies and a little imagination.

Crib organizer

Organizer functions for a crib

Hanging voluminous fabric pockets for a crib or stroller are not only an effective decoration element or a tribute to fashion. From a practical point of view, this thing is simply necessary. You can put powders, pacifiers, cream, comb and much more in it. All frequently used items will thus always be at hand, and you won’t have to look for them for a long time if necessary.

The organizer is indispensable when the mother needs to go away and the husband or one of the relatives remains to look after the child. In this case, you won’t have to explain for a long time where to find this or that thing.When your baby grows up, he will be able to independently take things out of the organizer and put them back. This can be a fun and educational game for him. In addition, it develops skills in organizing order in one’s own territory.

ATTENTION! When sewing a pocket yourself, you can take into account all the nuances and choose the size and number of pockets at your own discretion.

Beautiful organizer

Materials you will need for work

The choice of material should be taken seriously, because the product must be safe and not cause allergic reactions in the child. The fabric for sewing should be dense, hold its shape well and not shrink after washing and heat treatment. The best option is natural cotton fabrics, which are easy to work with. The color scheme is chosen taking into account personal preferences and the interior of the room. Pink and yellow colors are often used for girls, and blue and purple for boys. Also for production you will need:

  • padding polyester or other thick fabric as a sealant;
  • lace (3 m.);
  • tape measure;
  • a piece of soap or chalk;
  • scissors,
  • needles and pins;
  • threads of suitable shades;
  • decorative elements.

REFERENCE! The organizer inside with a layer of thin synthetic padding holds the shape of the finished product much better and is more durable.

Necessary materials

How to sew it yourself

Making pockets will not cause any particular difficulties even for novice craftswomen. Let's look at the process of sewing them step by step:

  1. First you need to cut out 3 squares for the base. Their sizes depend on the size of the crib itself and the preferences of those who will use it. In this example, 60X60 cm.
  2. For the upper pockets we cut out two rectangles 10 cm longer than the lower blank, and for the lower ones – 6 cm.
  3. Uncover
  4. Next we create the edges.You can cut strips 4 cm wide and make an edging out of them, bending the edges inward on both sides. In addition, the design of the edgings can be done using a special braid - bias tape.
  5. We take a square of fabric for the outer side and for the seal to mark the locations for the departments.
  6. We pin the strips to the square, leaving a small distance on top, for example, 7 cm.
  7. Then the strips must be divided into the required number of sections and stitched.
  8. We place the last square of fabric on top with the right sides facing each other and sew along the sides and bottom. We turn the resulting product onto the face and iron it thoroughly.
  9. The ties can be made from three pieces of fabric or lace. Their width is usually 5-10 cm, and their length varies from 70 to 80 cm. Ordinary cotton laces are also suitable as ties.
  10. Fold the ties in half, iron and stitch, bending the free edges inward.
  11. The ties bent in half should be sewn to the top of the finished product. The organizer for the playpen or cradle is ready.


Another option for an organizer is crocheted or knitted. It is particularly practical and decorative. Here it is important to calculate the dimensions and draw up a diagram and pattern. Thick threads are preferred. The product is sewn together in the same way as from fabric, and crocheted along the edge.

Crochet set

How to decorate and complement

The decoration of the product depends only on the skills and preferences of the master. Lace is often used as decoration. It is easy for them to make a spectacular gather around the edge of the pocket. You can also sew embroidery or appliqué on each pocket. Fairy-tale and cartoon characters are often used for these purposes. The combination of different fabrics and pocket sizes looks beautiful.All that remains is to hang the pocket on the crib and fill it with the necessary things. If necessary, the organizer can be removed for washing.

IMPORTANT! For greater capacity and volume, you can gather the fabric along the bottom side of the pockets.

Playpen organizer

Pockets for a baby crib help parents in their difficult and troublesome everyday life. Thanks to this product, it is much easier to maintain order and cleanliness in the house. Using the recommendations and tips proposed in the article, you can make a convenient device with your own hands.

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