What to do if the zipper on your jeans comes undone?

Jeans are undoubtedly a very comfortable wardrobe item. Unpretentious, wear-resistant, durable and withstands frequent washing. The picture is rosy, but this barrel has its own spoonful of honey. In the case of jeans, the “spoon” is the fly. If the zipper fails, it cannot be easily replaced. The process is very labor-intensive and requires the ability to work with a sewing machine. If you do not have such experience, then try to solve the problem with the fastener using one of the methods presented below.

Ways to make a jeans zipper tighter

Most of the proposed solutions are temporary, that is, the presented methods do not solve the root cause, but simply allow you to delay replacing the fastener, postponing it for a more convenient time. This moment will come sooner if you do not properly care for your zipper.. For example, you won’t periodically lubricate it. A tight move, as paradoxical as it may sound, often leads to expansion of the pawl flaps.The runner, constantly encountering an obstacle in its path, becomes loose and wears out much faster than normal.

Using a key ring or rubber band

ringA solution for those who has a dog going down spontaneously?. To prevent it from sliding down, take out the tongue of the slider (bite it with some tool) and place an elastic band or a key ring in its place. Then zip the zipper all the way up and hook the improvised tab onto the button of your jeans, then fasten the button.

Important! If the “native” slider tongue has a hole, then you will be able to get out of a difficult situation without biting it. All that remains is to hook the elastic band or ring into this hole.

Press the slider

If the flaps of the pawl have expanded too much, and this can be determined by the unfastening of the zipper and the flimsy fit of the slider, then pressing them will return them to working condition. The manipulation can be carried out in 2 ways:

  1. jeansUsing a hammer. Spread the item on a flat surface that can withstand the impact of the tool. Zip the zipper halfway (if it comes apart, that’s okay). Squeeze the slider with pliers (try not to catch the tongue of the pawl) and hit it with a hammer (not too hard). Try fastening the lock again. If it doesn't work, repeat the manipulation.
  2. With pliers. Place the tool on one side of the pawl and clamp (you don’t need to use a lot of force, act carefully). Then repeat the procedure with the other half.

The first method is suitable exclusively for metal zippers; plastic zippers will crack from direct impact with a hammer. You also need to take into account that not every tongue of the dog will withstand the procedure, so it makes sense to remove it in advance.If this is not possible, then do not clamp the entire surface of the slider with pliers, grab only its top.

Important! Regardless of the chosen pressing method, do not repeat the procedure more than 2 times. The lightning dog is simply not designed for such an impact. It will either crack or begin to diverge even more actively. The latter will not appear immediately, but when worn.

When pressing, you need to remember that There must be sufficient space between the slider flaps for unimpeded movement of the slider. If you squeeze too hard, the pawl will either begin to tear the zipper fabric or become difficult to move.

Spray with hairspray

Polish for hairThis method is used mainly when problems with the base of the zipper are suddenly detected. That is, in cases when it is not possible to immediately carry out a normal fastener repair, but you need to somehow hide the problem. To disguise it, spray a generous amount of hairspray onto the base of the zipper and let the layer harden. Then go home as quickly as possible and change clothes.

The product applied in this manner will exhibit adhesive properties as it dries. It will fasten the teeth to each other, but this fixation will not be reliable. A sudden or inaccurate movement will cause the teeth to start moving apart again.

Make a stopper

A solution in case the lower zipper fastener is lost or the teeth located close to the base are bent and because of this the fastener becomes difficult to unfasten. To resolve the defect, do the following:

  • mark the place where the stopper is needed (either slightly above the base, or above the curved teeth);
  • take the thread and corner;
  • sew the same place repeatedly;
  • secure the thread with a knot.

Important! The thread should fit tightly to the zipper.Knots that are not tight enough will not hold the fastener.

Drop some glue

glueAnother option for those who just want to get to a safe place and not lose face by appearing in front of strangers with an unzipped fly. To avoid an unpleasant incident, apply superglue to the base of the clasp and let it dry completely. As soon as this happens, hurry home and change into normal jeans.

knock with a hammer

If a zipper comes unfastened due to a slight bend of the teeth in a limited space, then you must try to return the teeth to their original shape. A hammer will help with this. Gently tap it pointwise on the deformed area. Before manipulation, do not forget to lay the jeans on a flat, unbreakable surface.

Fasten a pin

What to do if the zipper on your jeans comes undoneThe method is identical to the version with an elastic band threaded into place, only here a pin is used. After threading, it is brought up and hooked to the belt.

Important! The method is dangerous. The pressure exerted on it can cause the pin to unfasten and dig into the stomach.

When should you change your zipper?

Fallen or severely bent teeth, torn tape - evidence of critical wear of the fastener. Drastic measures cannot be avoided even if the entire fastener is severely bent and traces of rust appear on it. In other situations, you should try using one of the life hacks described above.

What to do if the zipper on your trousers comes apart?

If the trousers are women's and are held in place solely by a zipper, then most likely the problem is not in the zipper itself, but in the incorrectly sized clothes. Simply put, the item of clothing is small. Therefore, no matter what fastener you sew in, it will begin to diverge quite quickly. There is only one way to postpone this moment: sew on a button or retaining hooks.

If we are talking about children's school trousers, then pay attention to the degree of fit of the item. You can try sewing loose-fitting trousers with a zipper. This is only worth doing if the child can take off his uniform without having to fasten his pants.

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