How to sew a button with 4 holes?

Buttons are needed not only for the functionality of the item, but also for its aesthetic appearance. Buttons with four holes have special features: they can be made into eye-catching decorations! The procedure for sewing them on has its own nuances.

To sew on a button we need...

To sew on this type of fittings we will prepare:

  • How to sew a button with 4 holes?button;
  • threads - in color or contrasting, which can become a decorative element;
  • scissors - the habit of biting off rather than cutting threads is harmful;
  • material for a patch, if a button is sewn in place of a button torn out with “meat”;
  • a buttonhole or a second small button, if we are talking about outerwear made of thick fabrics.

The choice of needle and thread depends on the fabric of the product. Delicate fabrics like silk require a thin needle with a tiny eye, and the thread should not be thicker than a magpie.

A less sensitive approach to outerwear fabrics (raincoat, cloth, drape): polyester thread No. 20 and a more massive needle are suitable. An important nuance: in this case the fastener must be attached to the “leg” (several turns of thread around the stitches that attach the clasp to the fabric). Otherwise, the button will come off faster: trying to fasten a button sewn without a small gap, you will inevitably want to tear it off.

Repairing knitted item, it is better to take the same thread from which it is knitted, or a similar one. It is better to take a special one from the needles - plastic and with a rounded end: it will help avoid damage to the villi.

A button closure (you can get by with a small flat button), sewn on the wrong side, will help to carefully sew on the main fastener - the fabric will not wrinkle, and the fastening itself will be more reliable.

Important! When working with any fabric, it is better to sew with double thread. The optimal length is up to the elbow: it will not end suddenly or willfully tie into knots.

Methods for sewing on a button with four holes

Four holes make it possible to attach the fastener with different stitches. Esoteric-minded craftswomen do this not only for aesthetic reasons: For them, different methods of sewing mean the opportunity to magically influence the quality of their life! For example:

  • Stitches in the form of two horizontal stripes should strengthen friendships, and vertical ones will help develop the gift of foresight.
  • A pattern in the form of a cross will give beauty and health, and a square will help harmonize relationships with the outside world.
  • For success in business, a pattern in the form of the letter “Z” is suitable, and the letter “I” will ensure creative productivity.


Advice! Do you treat sewing on a button like making an amulet? Do this on the waxing moon!

Sew on a button step by step: example

button with four holesLet's say a hole has formed where the fastener was sewn. Requires preliminary repair. A small hole can be mended, but a serious hole requires a patch - sewn from the inside out from a material suitable in color and texture.

Important! A patch is required when repairing leather or fur clothing!

Sew a button onto the repaired area - in this case, the stitches form a cross:

  • a thread is threaded into the needle, preferably a double thread: the free tip will not jump out of the eye;
  • a knot is tied at the end of the thread - in the case of a double version, you can tie the ends together;
  • the button is placed in the selected place, which is checked several times, especially from the inside of the fabric;
  • the needle is stuck into the fabric at the site of one of the holes;

Important! To ensure that the button is sewn evenly, pull the thread fully with each stitch. And between the stitch you make and the next one, place a pin - then between the button and the fabric there will be a free space necessary for comfortable fastening. A “leg” will be formed here.

  • the needle and thread are threaded through the diagonally opposite hole;
  • Having pulled the thread through two holes again, you need to repeat the whole process with two other holes - you will get a cross;
  • the whole process is repeated until the strength of the sewing ceases to be in doubt;
  • the pin is removed, the remaining part of the thread wraps the threads between the button and the fabric several times, forming a “leg”, the needle is passed through the fabric;
  • A couple of stitches are made under the button, the thread is secured with a knot and cut.

how to sew

Have you got a modern sewing machine? Do not neglect the button sewing function provided during its manufacture! The unit includes a special foot and a plate that adjusts for creating loops. Once you have selected the correct zigzag stitch width, sew at low speed. Usually, standard thread and needle are suitable, unless the fabric requires special handling.

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