Finding a button - what is this sign?

The semantic meaning of the word “button” in Rus' for many centuries was the verb “to scare.” The accessory, in addition to its utilitarian function, played the role of a talisman and served to repel hostile forces. In the superstition about a black cat crossing the road, in order to neutralize the negativity you had to pick up a button and continue on your way. It was believed that this amulet would prevent anything bad from happening. What does a discovery in the form of a button mean, and what to do with it, read on.

What does it mean to find a button?

old buttonsIf she is caught on the street, then this is a good omen. It portends success in any endeavor, an easy road to fulfillment of desires, and the possibility of pleasant changes in life. Sometimes this is interpreted as a prediction of a long journey. A button found in another busy place is also a good sign: on the verge of a change in life and a high appreciation of professionalism.

Important! Particular luck is to find a button with four holes.Those who find it can count on good news, and if its color is white or green, then in addition to good news, one can expect cash receipts.

Signs about a found button on different days

There are many superstitions associated with it. People interpret this event differently, depending on the day on which the button appeared on the path:

  • a finding in the first seven days of the month means that recognition of the person’s professional merits and his appointment to a new position are soon expected:
  • in the second week - promises good luck in love;
  • in the third week - serves as a promise of changes in personal life;
  • at the end of the month - the possibility of large purchases and unexpected finds.

If you find a button with holes?

There can be two or four holes on the clasp, and if you get a specimen with a leg, then there will be only one hole. Signs clearly differentiate accessories depending on this factor and predict different events:

  1. wooden buttonA button with two holes is found - you should expect good news related to your family or work. Unexpected financial gains or a dramatic change in bachelor status are possible.
  2. There is a talisman with four holes on the road - a series of pleasant events and news awaits a person, and if you sew it in a secret place, it will work to attract what you want.
  3. Suddenly, a torn button on a leg was encountered - this is a warning that the machinations against the finder have been dispelled, but he should seriously think about his surroundings and henceforth choose his friends more carefully.

Important! The signs described relate to a button lying on the road or in any other place. We are talking about a fastener element that simply came into view, but the person did not touch it.

What to do with a found button?

If you really want to pick up someone's loss, pay attention to its color. According to popular belief, it is he who predicts joyful or sad events awaiting in the near future:

  • green – money;
  • white - joy;
  • red – love;
  • blue – success;
  • black - grief.

a lot of buttonsEveryone must decide for themselves whether to pick up a button or leave it on the road. A superstitious person will definitely be repulsed depending on the number of holes: fittings with one or two holes cannot be lifted. The discovery of a torn fastener with traces of thread is considered especially destructive.

Popular beliefs warn of imminent misfortunes for the one who appropriated this accessory, because all the illnesses and misfortunes of the previous owner will pass on to the one who picked it up. An important factor will be the color scheme, which means that you can only select a fastener with four holes in any color except black.

If the button still ends up in your hands, then You can't keep it in your pocket - this will lead to a quarrel between friends or relatives. It is better to sew it on the wrong side of the clothes, where it will be closer to the heart, but invisible to others. Sewn in a special way, it will serve as a talisman, just like many centuries ago:

  • to attract money, attach a button with the letter Z with a diagonal stripe in the other direction;
  • fans - the stitches should be in the shape of an hourglass: two horizontal stripes and the letter X in the middle;
  • to strengthen friendship - the equal sign;
  • achieving success in creativity - the letter I;
  • success in business, business – letter Z;
  • harmony with the surrounding world – square;
  • acquiring developed intuition - two vertical stripes;
  • health promotion - cross;
  • increasing well-being - a cross and two verticals;
  • to find passionate love - a cross and a square.

How to avoid the consequences of superstitions?

button on the roadIf you believe in omens, you are familiar with many of them associated with the button. The people not only came up with prohibitions, but also introduced methods in which they can easily be circumvented. For example, It is believed that you cannot sew a button “on yourself”, so as not to sew up your mind and memory. As an antidote, it is recommended to hold a thread or other object, even a piece of clothing, between your teeth.

Another belief says that sewing on accessories before the New Year is not the best solution. This way you can take the problems of the outgoing year with you into the coming year. Wait a little and sew the fastener after a while, when it is no longer prohibited.

If you are preparing to meet a person who is unpleasant to you, then button up tightly: in this case, the buttons will work as a talisman and protect you from negativity sent to you from the outside.

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