How to tie shoelaces beautifully?

Even strict classic shoes can be made a little more original. To do this, you just need to move away from the lacing suggested by the shoe manufacturer and try something of your own. So, let's try to do this beautifully.

Lacing shoes: are there any rules?

There are no strict rules when choosing a lacing method, but there is one overriding principle. If shoes are worn “going out” along with a strict classic suit, then it is better to prefer traditional options. When an informal event is expected ahead, you can take a little liberties and move away from the strict image. In this case, unusual boot lacing options will come in handy.

how to lace men's shoes

How to choose the right lace length?

The easiest way to determine this is measure old ones using a regular tailor's meter. If for some reason this is not possible, then the required length is determined by the number of holes in the shoes.

Most dress shoes have six or eight pairs of eyelets. For the first of them, laces with a length of 75 to 90 cm are suitable, and for the second - from 100 to 120 cm.This is a rough rule, since The distance between the holes may vary between different shoe manufacturers. Companies that produce premium boots must indicate such information on their website.

8 ways to tie men's shoes

There are a lot of lacing options, but a significant part of them actually duplicate each other or look original, but are unusable. At the same time, there are proven methods that have proven themselves in different shoe wearing conditions.

European style

This lacing method is also known as “ladder lacing”. It stands out for its high reliability of fixation on the leg. It is used as standard by manufacturers of combat boots.

The ends of the lace are threaded into the lower holes with the tips facing inward. The right end is pulled through the next grommet on the opposite side, and the left end is pulled into the hole through the one above. In a similar way, the shoe is laced to the end.

according to European

In Roman

This option got its name because the laces form a pattern similar to Roman numerals. It looks stylish and will be a good way to add a unique look to classic shoes. To use it it is necessary that the number of pairs of eyelets be even.

  1. Begin lacing the boot from the lower left eyelet.
  2. The end is inserted from above and pulled out from the hole above the bottom.
  3. Then both tails are crossed and brought out into two holes on the opposite side of the shoe. The laces should form an X.
  4. Then one end of the lace is pulled across in the form of a Roman numeral I.
  5. The operation is then repeated to create another letter X.
  6. If there are six pairs of holes in the shoes, then pattern XIXI is formed.
  7. For someone else, their numbers and numbers will be different. The principle itself remains unchanged.


Troebor style

The main advantage of this method is the ability to quickly loosen the tightening and easily remove shoes. It is done quite simply - the lace is threaded into the lower holes and then stretched crosswise, it is inserted into the eyelets from above. Its ends are inserted into the shoes and tied. This method is also called the store method.

in tribor style

According to chess

The checkerboard lacing method is more commonly used for athletic shoes, but can also be used on dress shoes for special occasions. It will require two laces per shoe - black and white, although you can take brighter options.

Any of the laces is threaded through the eyelets so that one end is pulled inside the shoe, and the second one passes through all the holes in sequence. Inside, the ends are tied together. The second lace is woven through the resulting horizontal stripes to create a cage-like pattern. The ends of the second lace are also tied from the inside.

in chess


A rather unusual method that gives a light and original look to any classic shoes. Its plus is Can be used with any number of eyelets. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to adjust the degree of tension, especially when the shoes fit very tightly. If the bow is then hidden inside the shoe, you get a hidden knot.

  1. The lace is threaded into the holes on both sides with the pins inward. In this case, both ends of the lace must be the same length.
  2. Then one of the ends is threaded into the next eyelet in the row from the inside out.
  3. The same manipulation is carried out with the opposite one, but it comes out of the hole through one.
  4. Then transverse parallel lines are formed - the lace is threaded across the shoe into the hole of the adjacent row.
  5. Next, the shoes are laced in the same order, depending on the total number of holes.



In this case, a zipper means a clasp or zipper. This lacing method secures the shoes very firmly on the foot and is often used by hockey players or figure skaters.

  1. To correctly create such a pattern, one of the ends of the lace is threaded into the upper eyelet.
  2. It is then pulled into the hole below on the opposite side, threaded in from the top and pulled out from the bottom.

It turns out to be a kind of loop. Thus, it first passes from top to bottom, and then in the opposite direction. A cross pattern is formed on top of the tongue, similar to a closed zipper.



Butterfly lacing method will help make life easier for those who have problems choosing shoes. With this method, there is more space for the foot inside the boot. To do this, the lace is threaded from above into the bottom pair of holes, pulled inside and out through the next pair. Then the ends are crossed and the operation is repeated. A rather unusual pattern is formed, and the shoes are easier to wear.



This option is well suited for wide shoes. This spider web looks best on shoes with six pairs of eyelets.. It is formed alternately with different ends of the lace. It threads through the bottom pair of holes, and then comes up and passes through the fourth pair of eyelets.

At the next stage, it goes into the fifth holes, then returns two pairs down and one up. This option suitable for short laces, which will form a diamond-shaped pattern.


How to lace women's shoes?

For women, lace-up shoes are more often used as an element of a casual look, rather than as part of a strict classic suit. Any of the methods chosen to taste is suitable for them.. In addition, you can diversify the appearance of shoes by playing with the color of this element. By combining all this, you can achieve a truly unique look for your shoes.

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How can I cut my pants so that the laces are visible?


