How to untie a knot in shoelaces?

A knot tied tightly is the natural position of the lace, because that is what it is used for. But often, especially at the most inopportune moments, it turns out not where we would like. In this case, it must be quickly untied, and not everyone can cope with this. It is not for nothing that in ancient times the Gordian knot, which was ultimately cut by the sword of Alexander the Great, became the personification of insoluble problems and contradictions. So how to deal with a treacherous knot?

Ways to deal with a knot

There are many options for solving the problem and everyone can choose their own based on how tight and tangled it turns out, as well as the items at hand. At the same time, one rule remains common to all methods - Before you start pulling it in any direction, you should understand exactly how it works, so as not to aggravate the situation by pulling the lace in the wrong direction. In addition, if the knot is wet, it is advisable to dry it first, otherwise the risk of accidentally tightening it only increases.

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Twist and push out

To deal with a knot in this way, you should take one end of the lace and twist it as much as possible. It should become short and stiff, bend less. The resulting hard end is then pushed towards the knot. Due to its rigidity, it should squeeze through the hinges and, if possible, loosen it. If everything is done correctly and the idea works, then it just comes loose.

Stretch with your fingers

This is one of the simple methods that cannot be used in all cases, since one of the ends of the lace must be free. Having carefully examined the knot, you should understand which of its loops you can try to stretch in order to weaken it.

Then you need to take both ends of the lace and carefully, so as not to tighten it even more, move them in different directions. This may require pushing them inside. These operations must be repeated until one or two loops are discovered, due to which it is held. Once they are found, it will easily untie. The main thing is don't rush and make the mistake of tightening it again.

Tweezers or needle

When a knot has formed on a thin cord or other similar product, small tweezers from a manicure set or a sewing needle will come to the rescue. The sharp tip of the object is carefully inserted into the resulting loop.

Care must be taken not to damage the delicate material.

Then, with your fingers, you need to pull the end of the lace that tightens it. In this way, the loop is tightened at the end of the tweezers or needle. After this, the auxiliary tool is pulled out of it and, by pulling the ends of the lace in different directions, the knot can be easily untied.

Corkscrew or knitting needle

When unraveling a knot in this way, you need some kind of sharp metal object.Its end is inserted alternately between the loops of the lace in an attempt to loosen them.

Important! You must act carefully so as not to damage the material itself, as it can spread.

Once the weak point in the knot is discovered, it can be easily untangled with your fingers.


Using water

Despite the fact that most often wet laces will only be pulled tighter when you try to untie them, sometimes water can help. This is due to the fact that Some synthetic materials become stiff when dry. Then a small amount of water makes the fibers softer and more pliable. After such pre-treatment, the knot can be untied in any other way.

Using a spoon

In order to untie a tangled lace in this way, you need to place it on a flat, hard surface. Then he is tapped with gentle blows of the spoon from different sides. Vibration causes hinges to slip and become loose. To prevent re-tightening, you can insert a small object into the loose loop.. When the knot is stretched enough, it will be easy to untie it with your fingers.


Using a wedge

When the lace is quite thick, you can untie the resulting knot using a wedge or a suitable wooden object.

This method is in use came from ships where it was used to untangle thick ropes. It is inserted between the loops, the lace is slightly moistened in this place and left for a while. The wedge is then pushed deeper and the operation is repeated. So, in several stages, you can untie even a large voluminous knot. This method is also suitable for unraveling thin rope or twine.


How to avoid entanglement?

Despite the abundance of ways to unravel, the truest principle always remains “it is better to prevent than to solve a problem.” Can learn several variants of knots from maritime practice, from which choose the most accurate and suitable for the length of the lace. They will not come undone on your feet at the most inopportune moment, and their knitting provides the same easy way to untie. All this will make wearing shoes much more comfortable.

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