DIY glowing laces? Yes Easy!

To create original laces, paint, neon or LEDs are used. Finished products are freely sold in various stores. But if your hands are itching to make them yourself, Are there any chances of the case being successfully completed? We will analyze the issue thoroughly, at the same time we will mercilessly debunk the myths about dyeing at home.

How to make glowing shoelaces

What kind of animal is this, these luminous colors?

Glowing paint has gained popularity due to the festive atmosphere that it creates around itself, as if by magic. Of course, it is also used for household needs, but the average person more often encounters it in design projects and at parties. Paints are able to glow in the dark due to components related to phosphors.

Depending on the composition, some are highly toxic and can only be used outdoors, while others are safe and can even be applied to the body.

How to make glowing shoelaces

Sneakers are firmly in fashion, but how to stand out among the crowd? All sorts of luminous laces come to the rescue, attracting attention with the originality of the design. Their owner will not get lost even late at night on the outskirts or in the lights of a noisy disco.

Paints with a glow effect are mainly used; they are created on the basis of a phosphor, which accumulates energy under light. Recharging occurs in 15-30 minutes, and this can be either artificial or natural lighting. The phosphor works for a very long time, accumulating a “charge” during the day and releasing it at night.

Phosphorus is harmful to health! They do not use it to paint bodies or clothes!

Varieties of illuminated accessories

The most famous products were LED laces powered by batteries and regular ones impregnated with a special solution.

Paint Features

How to make glowing shoelaces

The dye must contain a luminous element, and the brightness depends on the concentration. The duration of illumination depends on the quality; expensive products do not wash off for a long time. Despite the opinion of some sources, Phosphorous paints cannot be used!

Silicone products

How to make glowing shoelaces

They have a long service life; just change the batteries. The principle is simple: take a silicone tube, insert batteries and LEDs. They are safe, just don’t tighten them too tightly, otherwise they will squeeze your leg, and the silicone itself will quickly deform from the constrictions and lose its elasticity.

How to make glowing shoelaces at home

And now to the “delicious” part!

How to make silicone laces

Considering the features described, LED products are the most difficult to reproduce. We will need 2 meters of silicone tube with a suitable diameter. You can buy a dropper at the pharmacy and cut the tube, drop liquid silicone into it (it is sold at any hardware store), insert LEDs at the ends and solder it.We solder small coin batteries (4 pieces, that is, 2 per segment) to the wires. To fix it, we fill it with glue, and for an additional effect, you can attach a switch and a switch, hiding the structure in a small box, which will become an additional decor for the sneakers.

How to make glowing shoelaces

This is the most difficult method, requiring technical training, dexterity and imagination, but at the end you will get a 100% unique option!

We paint correctly

An expensive method, since we will need luminol, which costs from 600 to 1500 rubles per 10 grams. The chemical reaction is based on mixing with activators. You can purchase special creativity kits consisting of several colors of luminous paints; their price is close to 2000, but it is easier to work with ready-made substances.

How to make glowing shoelaces

One of the coloring recipes:

  • luminol 5 g;
  • hydrogen peroxide 70 g;
  • copper sulfate 3 g;
  • sodium hydroxide solution 10 ml;
  • water 100 g.

Mix, we get a blue solution; any dye will help change the color. For example, adding potassium permanganate gives a shimmering purple hue.

Cooking produces caustic fumes, so use goggles, thick clothing and gloves to protect your eyes and exposed areas of the body!

Neon option

How to make glowing shoelaces

You will need an electroluminescent wire, an inverter (2 pieces), batteries (2-4 pieces). The neon cord is cut into meter-long pieces, then inverters and batteries are attached one by one. The end result will be an interesting and original creation!

Exposing false alchemists

There are amazing recipes for homemade “cooking” of glowing laces floating around the internet. For example: mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and water. Or another “genius” tip - add vinegar and sunflower oil.To enhance the effect, shake as long as possible, dry the laces on the radiator...

How to make glowing shoelaces

In fact, we will not receive a super fashionable accessory, but laces with traces of sunflower oil and soda and dirty batteries as a gift. Who gives this advice? Which of the proposed dubious recipes should ultimately light our way?

In conclusion, I want to say that you don’t need to blindly trust all the advice from the Internet! Remember the basic chemistry course. Or buy ready-made accessories.

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