How to decorate a dress with rhinestones?

Every girl has a dress hanging in her closet that she doesn’t wear, but it’s a shame to throw it away. They say about this: “morally outdated.” You can give an old thing a new life by adding a few details to it. Decorating a dress with your own hands is not difficult. One of the ways to decorate is to use stasis. Your dress will not only gain charm, but will also become very elegant. In our article, read how to decorate a dress with rhinestones.

What fabrics hold rhinestones well?

neck decorationFirst of all pay attention to the material from which your item is made, and correlate it with the size and weight of the rhinestones. A dress made of light fabric such as chiffon, silk, or crepe de Chine will not withstand heavy and large jewelry. They will pull and disrupt the smooth waves on the skirt or the drapery on the chest. To decorate things made of light fabric, it is better to give preference to beads, glass beads, and small sparkles.

Medium and large sized rhinestones can be used to decorate denser materials. They “hold” jewelry perfectly, do not sag or stretch. Such materials include:

  • thick knitwear;
  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • jacquard;
  • jeans;
  • suit fabrics, etc.

Advice! When choosing a place to place glitter, give preference to smooth places on the fabric. On a flat surface, the rhinestones will adhere best and will not be constantly exposed. For example, the likelihood that glitter will fall off from a light skirt with waves much faster is quite high.

Methods for attaching rhinestones to a dress

on shouldersCraft stores sell a wide variety of rhinestones. They differ not only in size and color, but also in the method of fastening to the fabric. The fastest and most convenient method is a ready-made glitter applique.. It contains a finished picture made from rhinestones, which you just have to glue on. Here you won’t need to rack your brains over the order in which to attach the rhinestones. Everything has already been done for you.

These appliqués are sold in a variety of forms, such as collar outlines, cute animals, or simple patterns. The applique is covered with a special adhesive layer; to stick it to the fabric, you will need to tear off the protective layer, apply it to the dress and iron it with a steam iron. (don't forget to cover the area with a cloth so as not to melt the rhinestones).

The second option is generally similar to the first. The only difference is that adhesive-based rhinestones are also sold separately. In this case you will have to preliminarily outline a sketch of the future application. It will take more time, but the result will be absolutely individual.

The third method is not so common. Rarely found on sale rhinestones without adhesive layer. They have two very small holes on the sides. Through them, glitter is sewn to the dress using a thin needle and thread. This process is very painstaking and long.We advise you to use it only if you are planning to attach only a few rhinestones. A large number of punctures can cause the fabric to unravel.

Important! Never experiment with glue like PVA or Super Glue. It can ruin the fabric once and for all. It is better to buy special glue for textiles.

How can you decorate a dress with rhinestones?

To decorate a dress with rhinestones, it is important to use your own imagination. We will present several possible options:

  • on a corsetneck or collar decoration. Both a thin shiny line and a fully embroidered collar look beautiful;
  • in a monochromatic item, a chaotic arrangement of sparkles would be a good solution. This will not only save time on developing a sketch, but also will not require special artistic skills in the process of placing them on the fabric;
  • a dress with a corset is completely embroidered along the bodice. This is a great option for a wedding or party;
  • A fashionable trend is to imitate shoulder straps. They can be made from rhinestones glued to the shoulders of a dress with short or long sleeves;
  • You can decorate not only the top part, but also the hem or waist line. Draw a line of sequins along the hem, and a previously simple dress will take on an elegant look.

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