How to identify a power unit by the color of the Russian Federation beret

How to identify a power unit by the color of the Russian Federation beretFor many, this thing is a legend. There are many army tales and songs written about him. But not many people think about its history and significance.

The history of the appearance of the beret in military uniforms began in 1936. And at first, this dark blue item of clothing was a purely feminine thing. It was to be worn by female military personnel. After the Second World War, the color changed to khaki. As an accessory of men's equipment, this headdress began to be used in 1963. And contrary to popular belief, it was not the paratroopers who first put it on. This honor was awarded to the Marine Corps.

Blue - airborne troopsToday, the beret is an indispensable attribute of military uniforms, the color of which signifies belonging to a certain branch of troops or structures. This is a round headdress that does not have a visor and is made of soft fabric. Along the lower edge it is trimmed with a strip of leather or leatherette.The Russian flag badge is sewn on the side, and a cockade is fastened in the center. It is customary to twist the beret to one side.

An exception to this rule is the maroon beret. You can become its owner only by passing a certain exam or receiving it as a reward for courage shown in real battle.

Reference! Among the owners of a maroon beret there is also a representative of the fairer sex. This means Galina Kalinnikova, who served as a paramedic in a special forces group in the North Caucasus.

How to determine the types of berets of law enforcement units by color in the Russian Federation

Currently, almost every branch of the military has its own color for this item. The following colors are available:

  • Black - Marine Corps;
  • Blue – airborne troops;
  • Light green – border troops;
  • Green – reconnaissance;
  • Olive - Russian Guard;
  • Gray – Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Orange – Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Another type of color is the maroon beret. It is the hallmark of the elite special forces. Unlike other options, the right to wear it must be earned. And this can be achieved in two ways.Black - Marine Corps

First — pass complex qualification tests, which are held in September. They are admitted to military personnel who have served in special forces for at least six months.

Second – to receive as a reward for perseverance and courage shown in real combat.

But having received this award, you need to live up to it. There are a number of offenses for which a serviceman may be deprived of the right to wear a maroon beret.

It’s also worth knowing that this distinctive sign does not provide any advantages or benefits. This is a symbol of perseverance and courage, as well as selfless service to one’s homeland.

What can the color of a beret mean?

Orange - Ministry of Emergency SituationsNot many people probably wonder what this or that color of a military man’s headdress means. Of course, not every color has a hidden meaning, but some options have it.

  • maroon beret painted red. It symbolizes the blood of warriors shed in battles for the homeland. And this variation got its name from the name of the plant from which the dye of this shade was produced.
  • Blue tint The headdress of the airborne troops symbolizes the heavenly expanses. It’s not for nothing that paratroopers are called “sons of heaven.”

    Attention! Initially, in 1967, the Airborne Forces beret was crimson, but then in 1969, the creator of this group of troops, V.F. Margelov decided that blue was more consistent with this direction.

  • Green color The headdress of the border guards is due to the fact that this color is the priority color of this group of troops.
  • The same explains the color of the beret of the Marines and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • The bright colors of the headdress of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are dictated by generally accepted standards for the color scheme of this type of service in the world community.


BeretThe introduction of the beret into the mandatory set of military attire is due to its undoubted convenience and practicality. After all, if necessary, it can be compactly folded and stored in an internal pocket. Walkie-talkie headphones can also easily be placed over it.

In any case, it gives the warrior’s appearance a special masculinity and grandeur. And is a symbol of valor and courage. Whatever color your headdress is, you should be proud to have it and wear it with honor.


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