Maroon beret, what is it

Getting a maroon beret has been the cherished dream of many boys since childhood. Some of them persistently go towards their goal and achieve it, despite great difficulties on the way to achieving it.

The maroon beret is a special element of the uniform

presentation of a maroon beret

The maroon beret is part of the uniform and a unique symbol of the military and special forces units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Not everyone has the right to wear this type of clothing and it must not only be earned, but also proven in practice. That is why it is a source of exceptional pride for its owner. The soldier undergoes certain tests, the purpose of which is to notice people with high individual preparation for actions to eliminate criminals and free hostages in critically difficult moments. In addition, this headdress is a symbol of valor and honor and speaks of the high moral values ​​of its owner. After all, it is much easier to lose such a unique status than to gain it.

ATTENTION! There are many actions that can quickly lead to you losing this status item. These include, for example, the manifestation of cowardice during combat operations, unregulated relationships with colleagues, ill-considered actions, a decrease in the quality of physical training, and much more.

What is it, why “maroon”

why maroon

The history of the name of this item of clothing goes back to the eighties of the last century. As you know, our country hosted the Olympics. In order to ensure increased security control, a special company was created, from which the famous “Vityaz” detachment subsequently emerged. To be recognized by the military, a distinctive element of clothing was necessary. It was decided to develop a beret of a certain exclusive color. The maroon color symbolizes the blood shed by the Soviet military during military operations.

Who should wear it and for what occasion?

Getting a maroon beret is quite difficult. It is imperative to prove to the commission your moral skills and physical abilities. It is given in the following cases:

  • for participation in hostilities and the manifestation of courage, bravery, perseverance and other qualities, as well as military personnel who have received serious injuries that no longer give them the opportunity to prove their exceptional skills;
  • upon passing certain qualification tests.

Not everyone has access to the exams. To begin with, you must serve in special forces units for at least six months by conscription or on contractual terms. In addition, the person must have a positive reference from the higher management of the unit where he served.In the main subjects, such as physical, special fire and tactical training, marks should be “good” and “excellent”.

special forces in a maroon beret

REFERENCE! Also, specialists from some civil services (FSKN, FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs) are allowed to take the exams.

Wearing Features

There are certain well-established traditions of wearing such clothes. One of them is wearing a headdress tilted to the left side. This is a certain symbol among the military and their distinctive feature. Like the uniform, the owners of the beret do not decorate them with anything, unlike other units. Each owner of this item takes care of it and wears it to the end. It is not customary to exchange a new beret. On the contrary, it is considered a special pride to have an old, worn out and faded beret.

wearing a maroon beret

Becoming the owner of this prestigious item of clothing is very difficult. You need to have not only excellent physical fitness, but also high moral human qualities.

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