How to tie a scarf on your head beautifully?

4 ways to tie a scarfHeadscarves, scarves, stoles and scarves are very popular among fashionistas today. Thanks to such an accessory, you can harmoniously complement any look or create a completely new look.

A headscarf tied on the head in various ways is not only a fashionable and stylish accessory, but also an excellent way to protect hair from environmental influences.

What is the difference between scarves and scarves?

A kerchief is a type of scarf. The main difference between this product and the scarf is its shape. Unlike a scarf, which is a rectangular piece of material, this accessory resembles an isosceles triangle in its appearance. Let's figure out how to beautifully tie a scarf in different ways.

Way to tie a scarfReference! In the 18th century, such products were often used as a warm and comfortable accessory for cool evenings. In those years, open shoulders and a deep neckline were in fashion, so in order not to freeze, women often threw large scarves over their shoulders.

Different ways to tie a scarf on your head

A product of this kind, tied on the head, can harmoniously complement not only a summer outfit. This trendy accessory can be used with great success to create an original look in any season, as it goes well with clothes in any season.

Method 1 scarfIn the hot summer months, such a product will look good in combination with glasses from the bright sun, and in winter, a thing of this kind is often complemented with fur trim, turning it into a comfortable and warm headdress. To make it more attractive, the product is often decorated with elegant brooches, creative pins, etc.

Method 2 scarfTo quickly and effectively tie such a thing on your head with limited time, owners of long hair can use the following method:

  • you need to comb your curls well and gather them into a ponytail using an elastic band;
  • twist the resulting tail several times in any direction and form a tourniquet out of it;
  • then twist the tourniquet around the base of the tail in the shape of a bun;
  • secure the resulting structure using studs;
  • roll the scarf into a wide strip, attach the middle to the back of the head and bring the ends forward;
  • crossing the ends of the accessory, wind the product several turns around the head;
  • make a bow out of the ends or tie them in a knot.

Method 3 scarfHairstyles for medium and long hair in combination with such accessories have the most impressive look.

Method 4 scarfIn conditions of limited time, you can build a more impressive structure on your head, for example, tie a similar accessory in the form of a turban. Even a small headscarf is quite suitable for this.The product must be placed on the head so that the widest side covers the back of the head, and the corner is in front. The ends of the scarf need to be crossed over the forehead and tied in a knot. Using the corner of the scarf adjacent to the forehead, you should disguise the resulting knot by carefully tucking in the ends.

How to stylishly tie a scarf in spring and autumn?

In the off-season, you can experiment with the most popular ways of wearing a headscarf. For example, you can tie it on your head in Hollywood style. This method has been used for quite some time.

Method 5 scarfIt will certainly be appreciated by elegant ladies who prefer classic style and grace:

  • It is necessary to cover the head with the large edge of the product so that the edge of the hair peeks out from under it;
  • the two free ends need to be brought together under the chin and crossed over each other;
  • then the ends of the accessory should be tied at the back of the neck, wrapping them around the free part of the scarf.

Successful combinations of a scarf with a jacket

If you plan to use the scarf in combination with a jacket, you can rely on the following recommendations:

  • This accessory, tied on the head in the form of a simple bandage, is perfect for this version of outerwear;
  • the Hollywood way of tying this item will look good with a classic cut jacket;
  • With parkas and leather jackets, a similar product can be worn in the form of a turban.

Different ways to tie a scarfAdvice! The headscarf must be in harmony with the color of the eyes and shade of the hair. To determine whether a product of this kind was chosen correctly, it is recommended to stand in front of a mirror and cover the lower part of the face with the accessory. If the eye color becomes brighter, the product was chosen correctly.

Such a stylish and versatile accessory as a scarf can adequately decorate the head of any representative of the fair sex. To look feminine and at the same time new every time, you just need to tie this product in different ways.

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