Fashionable women's fur hats 2019–2020

In our country, hats made of natural fur have always occupied a special place in the wardrobe. Just a couple of centuries ago, such luxury was available only to rich and noble people. Today, fortunately, almost everyone can afford a fur headdress. And this is great, because natural fur perfectly protects from wind and frost in the winter months. In addition, a women's fur hat gives the girl a special charm and attractiveness.

fur hats

Fashionable women's fur hats for winter 2019–2020

Despite the obvious warming in the winter months, a hat is a necessary attribute. It protects the head and hair from cold, dry air, as well as from precipitation. Accessories made from natural fur look great and make your look feminine and luxurious.

Important! Such a headdress does not have to be worn in tandem with a fur coat. An elegant beret or a knitted accessory made from stripes of natural material looks great with a winter coat or even a down jacket.

Trendy furs

Every year, fashion designers present to the public their ownAndwinter fashion. This season, fur hats made from several types of fur have become trends.

The most popular are:

  • mink (this fur never goes out of fashion; in 2020 you can pay attention to dyed models, for example, in a bright red shade);
  • silver fox (very warm, voluminous and beautiful hats, they look great as an addition to a stylish urban look);
  • sable, marten (luxurious shiny fur makes the headdress unsurpassedly beautiful; fur is not in great demand due to its high cost, but accessories are popular);
  • eco-fur (in recent years, the popularity of faux fur has been gaining momentum; in 2020, environmentalists are actively using eco-fur in their wardrobe, which looks no worse than natural fur, hats made from them are magnificent and varied).

In large salons you can find a large assortment of hats made of natural or faux fur. If a girl decides to purchase such an accessory for herself, it is better to go to trusted stores.

eco fur hat


Winter hats made from fur-bearing animals are attractive. They look gorgeous in a variety of looks and add elegance and femininity. One of the main features is the ability to warm even in the most severe frosts.

Products made from natural fur today are not considered luxury or evidence of belonging to a certain class of society. Every girl can allow herself to feel like a real queen.

Fashionable styles of winter hats with photos

Previously, hats were not very diverse and represented an assortment of several styles, sewn from different types of fur. Today, the range has expanded significantly thanks to the intensive work of stylists and world-famous fashion designers.

Important! Fur products should also be chosen according to your face type and appearance.


In an urban environment, this type of headdress will be a smart choice. A hat will not only help you stay warm even in the most severe frosts, but will also make a girl stand out from the crowd. It is a common misconception that earflaps are suitable only for sporty looks. Traditional in our country, it goes well with everyday urban style.

hat with ear flaps


The popular model of the 80s of the last century is gaining popularity again today. It suits women of any age and complements stylish looks for every day. It is impossible to go unnoticed in such an accessory.

Kubanka hat


Fashion designers slightly modified their favorite knitted models and came up with fur hats in the shape of a cap. They are usually made of colored material or decorated with geometric patterns. This accessory looks great and very feminine.

hat cap


At all times, such a model has been an indicator of tenderness and beauty. Noble ladies always wore a bonnet during the cold season. The main advantage of this type of hat is the ability to keep the styling intact.

hat hood


The hat that we are used to seeing in paintings and historical films on noble ladies. Today, boyarka is considered the trend of the season. Usually made from fur dyed in bright shades with long pile.

Boyarka hat


A truly feminine accessory for all times. This season it is made from natural and faux fur. True fashionistas have already appreciated its charm and attractiveness. Models in bright colors made from natural materials are especially popular.

hat takes


An unexpected decision by fashion designers was to launch the production of turban-shaped hats made of natural fur with short pile. A headdress like this makes a girl stand out from the crowd and attracts admiring glances. It looks very bright and self-sufficient, while keeping you warm in cold weather.

hat turban


A real trend, they are very popular this season. In stores you can find models of tall fur hats with long and short pile. They go well with everyday city looks and business style.

papakha hat

Fur knitted accessories

Another trend for the 2019–2020 season was products knitted from fur strips. Made using various techniques and having different styles, they look perfect and emphasize the femininity and style of a lady.

knitted fur hat

Combined models

No less relevant this season are combined models made with the addition of natural or faux fur. These hats are very warm and attractive. They fit perfectly with different styles and outerwear of any style.

combined hat

The variety of fur hats of natural or artificial origin allows a woman of any income and appearance to choose the most suitable option. By purchasing an accessory, you can be confident in your attractiveness and unsurpassed sense of style.

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