How to sew a fur hat with your own hands

fur hatIn winter, special attention should be paid to the choice of headdress. Human health depends on it. Hats made of natural fur are considered the warmest and most beautiful. They cost much more than other hats. However, there are many ways to sew it yourself.

Reviews of women's fur hats

Fashion trends do not stand still. Every year new models of women's hats appear. There are options that do not lose their relevance. These primarily include voluminous ear flaps and beret hats. They, in turn, have many modifications depending on the design and type of fur. Faux fur hats are also popular. They are distinguished by a variety of colors and affordable prices.

fur hat with earflaps     fur hat model

What kind of fur is best to make a hat from?

artificial furThe choice of fur is determined by a person’s personal preferences and financial capabilities. It is also worth considering the outerwear with which the headdress will be worn.The hat should match or emphasize the chosen image. So, a product made from fox skin will be very impressive and bright. Therefore, you need to understand in advance what it looks harmonious with.

On a note! The most in demand when sewing women's hats are mink, arctic fox and leopard. Products made from rabbit are considered budget products, while more elite products are made from lynx fur and other valuable animals.

DIY natural fur hat

DIY natural fur hatOne of the popular models among women is a hat in the shape of a papakha or a pillbox. It goes well with drape and wool coats and suits absolutely all women. The main thing is to choose the right height. Its peculiarity is to visually enlarge the head. To sew such a thing you will need fur, lining fabric, paper, a knife, thread, needles and a sewing machine.

Hat pattern

The pattern of the model consists of two elements: a circle and a rectangle. To draw it correctly, you need to measure the circumference of your head using a centimeter tape. The height of the product is taken based on personal preference. You should end up with a rectangle with sides equal to the height of the product and the width of the head. To cut a circle, use the length of the resulting rectangle. Patterns are drawn on paper and cut out.

hat pattern

We sew a hat from natural fur step by step

sewing hats from natural furYou can sew a headdress yourself in a couple of hours. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place the patterns on the wrong side of the fur skin and attach them with pins. Next, they are outlined with a marker and an increase of about 1.5 cm is made on the seams.
  2. The parts are carefully cut out using a knife or scalpel.
  3. The same parts must be made from lining fabric.
  4. Connect fur and lining with wrong sides.They are secured with pins and stitched by machine 1 cm from the edge.
  5. Before connecting the cap to the circle, you should carefully examine the direction of the fibers. In such variants, they usually look at the person's face.
  6. The circle and rectangle are connected to each other on the wrong side using pins.
  7. Next, they are ground together on a machine 1 cm from the edge.
  8. The hat is turned inside out and the seam is freed from any lint stuck there.
  9. Next, the fabric lining is placed in a fur blank and pinned. There should be a small gap left so that the cap can be turned inside out.
  10. The fur blank and lining are stitched on a machine and turned inside out.
  11. The unstitched hole is processed manually with a hidden seam.

REFERENCE! At the end of sewing, shake the resulting hat and lightly comb the fur.

How to sew a faux fur hat with your own hands

DIY faux fur hatFaux fur hats are no less beautiful than those made from natural fur. And if you make a compacted lining, then they will not be inferior in their ability to retain heat. In addition, you can practice on faux fur if you are sewing such a product for the first time. The model with long ears at the back looks very impressive and extraordinary. It is especially popular among young girls. To make it you will need a piece of fur 20 cm in width and 160 cm in length.

Pattern for a hat

To create a pattern, you need to draw a rectangle with a length equal to the circumference of the head and a width of 20 cm. Draw two tails that are 35 cm in length and 10 cm in width. Their tip can be made pointed. We cut out the patterns drawn on paper and cut them out.

We sew a faux fur hat step by step

faux fur hat step by stepHaving prepared all the necessary materials, we begin the process of sewing the product in the following sequence:

  1. Place the patterns on the wrong side of the fur skin and fasten them with pins. Trace with a marker or chalk, leaving a seam allowance of about 1 cm.
  2. Carefully cut out the resulting parts.
  3. We take the base of the hat and fold it right side inward and sew it together, manually not reaching the end of 15 cm, to make it easier to sew on the tails.
  4. Next, take the tails and sew them to the hat, 1 cm short of each edge.
  5. Next, we sew the remaining 15 cm of the hat base to the end.
  6. Turn the hat right side out.
  7. We begin to sew the tails.
  8. Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your head, fold the hat in half and sew it together.
  9. We find the middle of the headdress and sew it together, making small gathers with the pile facing up.
  10. For beauty, you can sew a spectacular brooch or earring onto the product.

IMPORTANT! For this model, it is better to choose voluminous fur with long pile.

Features of sewing products from natural and artificial fur

sewing fur hatsThere are certain nuances that need to be taken into account when working with fur. So, when cutting out parts, you should bend the fur in the opposite direction in order to cut the skin and touch the valuable pile. The tool must be well sharpened so as not to tear the skin.

ATTENTION! Specialized companies for sewing fur products use furrier machines. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to sew a product using a regular sewing machine. You need to carefully select thick needles and sew slowly with a large stitch so as not to damage the machine. In some cases, it is better to use a simple thread and needle.

You can please yourself with a fur product even without having large financial resources. By following simple recommendations during the season, it is possible to sew several spectacular hats from both natural and faux fur.

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