How to sew a hat-helmet in the shape of an animal for a child

Winter is approaching, we begin to take out winter clothes and are happy and a little upset - our baby has grown, but winter clothes are small. You will have to go to the store to buy outerwear, but you can sew a hat yourself. The child will be happy to wear a hat made by his mother. And if this hat is sewn in the shape of some kind of animal, then the baby’s joy will know no bounds. So why not make your child happy, especially since sewing a hat-helmet in the shape of an animal is not difficult.

Child in a hat-helmet in the shape of an animal First you need to decide who to sew, then choose the materials for the top of the hat and the lining. For the upper material, you can choose fleece or knitted knitted fabric, and for the lining it is better to choose knitted cotton fabric that has good hygroscopicity.

All hats and helmets are in the form of animals You can sew one basic pattern, only slightly modifying it for a specific animal. For a bear cub you will need brown and beige colors, for a bee - yellow and black, for a bunny, pussy and dinosaur you can choose the colors that the child loves most.

In order to sew a hat-helmet, you need a pattern. Where to get the patterns is described below. Don't worry - cutting out a helmet is not difficult, regardless of whether the pattern was taken from the Internet or you cut it yourself.

Once the pattern and fabric are prepared, you can start cutting. You need to cut out on the main fabric and on the lining. But forget about the seam allowances - 0.7 cm each.

Let's start sewing. We apply the lining to the main fabric with the right sides inward and sew along the oval line of the face.

How to sew a hat-helmet with your own hands: teddy bear, bunny, pussy, dinosaur, bee

Since sewing a hat in the shape of a specific animal has its own design features, we will consider each of them separately.

Teddy Bear

Hat-helmet in the shape of a bear cub
For the teddy bear, we will need ears in the form of a semicircle of two colors - brown, the color of the main fabric, and beige. Cut out 2 semicircles from each color. We sew different colors together and turn them right side out. We pin the ears with the beige sides forward to the side arched cutouts of the top of the hat. Be sure to check whether the ears are pinned symmetrically, then sew them on. After this, we sew the wedges together and continue the seam further along the side line to the bottom of the product.


We cut out four pieces of long hare ears from the main color of the hat, sew two pieces together and then turn them right side out. Next, we sew the ears to the hat in the same way as on the teddy bear.


 Cat helmet
We cut out 2 triangles from the main fabric and pink.We sew triangles of different colors together and turn them from the inside out to the front side. The sewing principle is the same as for the bear and bunny.


Cut out several triangles from any color of fabric that matches the main color of the hat. The triangles need to be cut out in 2 pieces of the same size, then the identical triangles should be sewn together and turned right side out. Using a machine, carefully sew the triangles along the bottom side without breaking the thread. You should get a kind of garland of triangles. Then pin these triangles to the wedges of the top of the hat so that the triangles are located along the middle line of the hat. After this, sew a garland of triangles to the hat, sew the wedges together and continue the seam to the bottom line.Dinosaur helmet


For the bee, you first had to cut out the lining, then cut the pattern along horizontal lines and cut out pattern strips from black and yellow fabric, alternating them. Sew strips to create a striped hat pattern. Then sew the lining to the hat along the oval line of the face.

For the bee's horns, you need to cut out 2 rectangles 5*10 cm. Sew the rectangles along the long side, turn them right side out and pin them to the hat in the same way as you pinned the teddy bear's ears. Next, like the bear hat. After the bee hat is sewn, you will need to fill the ears with padding polyester and sew up the edges.

After the ears are sewn on, you need to sew the wedges at the lining and then turn the hat right side out.

Fold the bottom of the helmet over the lining and base of the hat and sew together.

Pattern of a hat-helmet for a child made of fleece: bear, bunny, pussy, dinosaur, bee

Hat-helmet pattern The easiest way to make a pattern is take it from an already sewn hat, that is, you need to rip open the existing hat-helmet. But this method is bad because you will then have to sew the torn hat back together if you decide to wear it in the future. You can find the pattern on the Internet. But then you will have to sew a trial version of the hat, because no one guarantees that the pattern you find will be just right. A you can make the pattern yourself, especially since it is not so difficult.

Hat pattern To do this you will need to remove everything a couple of measurements from the child - head circumference and face oval. We put the head circumference measurement aside as a segment on paper, then divide this segment into 4 parts. We measure the resulting segments and put half of the resulting length up in the middle of each segment.

Then, using arcuate lines, we connect the upper points of the measured segments with points on a large segment, in the end you should get 4 wedges. Draw a line down from the points of a large segment. On a segment of the middle line, set aside from 4 to 7 cm and draw the measured oval of the face. The oval should be symmetrical relative to the midline. We draw a horizontal line along the lower edge of the oval, connecting all four vertical lines with it.

Depending on the age of the child, at a distance of 2–4 centimeters from this line, draw a line parallel to it—the elastic band will be located here. Now you need to draw a smooth line for the bottom: on the outer and middle vertical lines we put 15–18 cm down from the strip where the elastic will be located, and 5–8 cm along the remaining vertical lines. We connect all the resulting points with a smooth line. The pattern of the helmet itself is ready and you can start working on the details that will make the helmet look like a particular animal.

For For a bear cub, we draw bear ears in the form of semicircles; for a bunny, the ears can be made long, which will look very cute.For the pussy ears we cut out triangles. The dinosaur also needs triangles, but you need to cut out several of them. For a hat-helmet in the shape of a bee, you will need rectangles 7–10 cm long and approximately 5–6 cm wide.


By analogy with such hats, you can sew other fleece animals, for example, a panda, a frog, a chicken, a dog. Whatever animal is chosen, your son or daughter will definitely like it.


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