Why don't people wear green hats in China?

In Chinese culture, as in many others, the color of clothing has a special, sacred meaning. If gold and purple are a symbol of wealth and high origin, then the indigenous people are wary of yellow. Green is also not simple, just like its shades. It is appropriate in the interior or clothing. But here You can’t find a headdress of this color on a man. Why is this happening?

Why don't people wear green hats in China?

How do the Chinese feel about the color green?

The peculiar attitude towards hats is not caused by their shade. After all green for Chinese people is a symbol of purity and freedom.

"Yes!" green products or publications

In the Celestial Empire, this color signifies freedom from disease (a healthy body), and not the absence of factors that pollute nature.

green products

Important! The concept of eco-products sold in China under the slogan of green technology does not coincide with the European definition.

The Chinese will still say that the products are “green”, clean for health, even if the vegetables (without pesticides) are grown in such conditions that the soil suffers from the applied fertilizers or the processing plant disrupts the natural ecosystem.

If a native of the Celestial Empire names a newspaper publication this color, this will mean that the article does not contain prohibited information. That is, it is clean and harmless to readers. The main thing is that the buyer does not suffer, then the product will be “green”.

"No!" green hats

But try giving a Chinese any headdress in emerald, grass or other similar shade. He will be persistently rejected by such a gift, despite friendship or close partnerships.

Important! Tourists in Panama hats in a shade of young green or in pistachio-colored caps are sure to attract attention and make local residents smile.

It's not surprising, because hats, caps, baseball caps and other headwear of green color (or its shades) on a man mean that he is a cuckold. This is why a Chinese person will never associate with this color. Who wants eternal jokes about himself and his wife?

Advice. Even if you don’t care what others think of you, reconsider your wardrobe when traveling to the Middle Kingdom.

Keep in mind that to please this belief, even the coat of arms of the Catholic Church in the PRC was changed. The image originally featured a green tiara. But in order not to provoke negative statements, it was made purple. The scale of color perception is far from simple superstitions, isn’t it?

Reasons for the green hat taboo - in Chinese history

The origin of the custom lies in antiquity. History offers two options to explain the attitude of the Chinese towards such hats.

green hat

The color of shame and adultery

This assumption takes us back to the times when men wore a scarf on their heads.

One day, the district chief Li Feng decided instead of the common corporal punishment for soldiers (beating with sticks), force offending soldiers to wear an emerald-colored scarf on their heads. The symbol of an offense should not be removed for a certain period of time, depending on the severity of the guilt.

The move is quite wise - public censure hits harder than any stick. Wounds can be hidden under clothes, but the head could not be hidden!

An official document from 1286 only strengthened historians' assumption that the green cap was a sign of shame. Thus, the records indicate that headscarves of a certain color should be worn by the heads of families where women earn money through prostitution or begging (singers, lead singers).

Important! Men of such a house were equated to a lower caste.

cause of taboo

And if they are not rightfully so, then by wearing a scarf of a different color, they discredit noble people. Let them be different and wear a badge of shame.

After this, a headdress of this color began to be associated with deceived husbands, whom we call cuckolds.

When do the Chinese remember the green hat?

If the Chinese do not wear green hats, then the expression “put on a green hat” may well be pronounced. This allegorical expression still speaks of family deception. The second situation when people not only start talking about the hat of shame, but also try it on themselves is various parties. For example, at a bachelor party, guests will not fail to tease their future husband or themselves.

Carnivals and other costume events are an occasion to try on the image of a cuckold. This is confirmed by the numerous offers of hats on Taobao.

You should not immediately reject this custom, although it seems very strange to a foreigner.We will respect the country and its culture, which will open up many more interesting things.

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