Crochet beanie hat for girls

Hot pink beanie hat for girlsOur fashionable little girls see all the delights of this world from an early age. What a little girl’s surprise will be when she sees that her mother herself is capable of making cool and fashionable hats and more.

For girls, it is better to choose bright, cheerful colors of yarn. This article contains the most beautiful beanie hats for girls and detailed instructions for each model.

Yarn and hook

Yarn and hookFor your girl, it is better to use soft and non-prickly fiber. The yarn should not pose a threat and therefore it is better to let it be hypoallergenic.

The thickness of the thread and color are all the preferences of the model. A special line of children's yarn is well suited for hats. For example, a baby pekhorka or a baby.

It is advisable to crochet the hat according to the size of the yarn so that the threads remain unbroken and the fiber is not stretched.


To knit a hat, the girl’s head must first be measured. The first size is head circumference. Place the measuring tape along the forehead and back to the occipital protuberances.

Head measurementsA crocheted product stretches and therefore you should immediately subtract 2 cm if the hat is knitted in the round, without a seam. The second size is the depth of the cap. Measure the length from the lobe of one ear to the second, respectively, through the crown. But this size must be divided in half and not decreased, as in the previous one, but increased. It is worth adding according to the model of the cap.

White beanie hat for girlsFor beanie hats, the increase is from 5 cm. This makes such a tall and cool product, the ears are covered and overall very, very cute.


Multicolor beanie hat for girls
Before working on the model, you need to knit a sample. It is knitted according to the same pattern as the model itself. You will need about 10 cm wide and 10 cm high.

Set of first crochet stitches

Set of first crochet stitches

Set of the first crochet chain

Set of the first crochet chain

Then, using a ruler, determine how many loops there are per 10 cm horizontally and how many vertically. These two indicators reflect the density of the knit.

Color combination for the hatYou can combine yarn of several shades.

Important! The knitting density is always different, so you should not rely on the density of another craftsman, even if the same yarns are taken.

Crochet beanie hat with elastic band for girls

Charming and very thick hat for a little princess. Fits well, does not press. A very simple pattern at the same time looks very unusual. The main thing is that it can be decorated with different bows and labels.

Children's beanie hat 1To work you will need:

  • pink baby yarn 200 g;
  • hook number 3.


We took measurements from the child and calculated the length of the product by depth, the width is the number of rows. Therefore, it will be easy to adjust this indicator when knitting a product.

Set of loops

It is necessary to dial the number of loops to indicate the depth of the cap, taking into account the increase. Knit a row and then unfold the work.Make the second row incomplete and do not add 3 stitches. Next, make incomplete rows through each row.

Beanie children's hat scheme 1Completion

When the width is reached, stop knitting. All that remains is to complete the side seam. Carefully fold the cap in half and sew a seam.

Stage: in order for the rows to be beaten unbroken, it is necessary, after an incomplete row, to perform a complete row on top of the previous one.


Sew on a tag and crochet a bow for decoration. Make the bow itself according to the pattern of the product itself. This is a rectangular canvas of five rows of columns. Then tie a simple thread in the center and the bow is ready. It is better to use a bow that does not match the main yarn for the hat. For example, light pink color is well complemented by light gray yarn. The bow itself can be additionally trimmed with beads.

Here is a fashionable beanie hat for a charming and fashionable girl.

Lilac beanie hat for girlsAdditionally, you can knit a snood to this hat with a tangle pattern made from gray and pink yarn with an ombre effect. It will be just an amazing set.

Beanie with seagull pattern using a crochet hook

The mysterious and imperturbable model is equally suitable for both a young lady and a teenage girl. But it can also decorate a child’s face with a cheerful applique around the perimeter.

Beanie baby hat 2To work you will need:

  • children's yarn is the finest fiber;
  • hook number 1.75.


Measure your head and transfer the measurements onto paper. Next, knit a small sample and count the number of loops for the product, for its width (circumference) and for its depth.


Knitting begins with an elastic band, but the most interesting thing is that the elastic band is not as simple as it might seem. It is made across the product. You need to dial 6 cm in length and start knitting strips. After knitting, be sure to connect the short sides.

Beanie children's hat scheme 2The basis

Start the base from the elastic band, simply grabbing the outer loops, and knit according to the pattern of the main fabric. Make decreases after 10 cm of the base, not counting the elastic. Reduce one repeat in one circular row, but do it imperceptibly and without shifting the knitting. Cut every 5 rows. When the length of the hat is knitted, simply pull the last loops into one and finish knitting.

Such a wonderful hat can be decorated with a charming bow along the edge of the elastic band.

Beanie with dense single crochet stitches

Beanie baby hat 3Cute and very warm and durable hat model. This is a hat made from single crochets. The single crochet fabric itself always turns out to be very voluminous. If you work in two threads or even three, you will get a good winter beanie hat.

To work you will need:

  • children's pekhorka beige multi yarn with white inclusions;
  • hook number 3.

Stage: measurements

Take measurements from the baby’s head and, using the density of a pre-knitted sample, calculate how many loops are needed for an elastic band 3 cm wide. Make it using embossed posts. This elastic band is knitted across the product. Then make an invisible seam along the back.

Stage: foundation

Along the edge of the resulting elastic band, pick up single crochets and knit the fabric upwards in a circle using single crochets only. Try to work the fabric with even loops. Start decreasing immediately and decreasing every 6 rows by two loops. After knitting 17 cm, make the decrease larger to 10 loops per row and every 2 rows.

Beanie children's hat pattern 3Upon reaching the required length of the product, pull the loops all together and tie a knot well. Using the same hook, simply hide the remaining threads into the resulting fabric.

Beanie children's hats photo 1The product is ready and you can try it on the girl. But she will like it more if it is decorated.An elegant brooch in the shape of a butterfly, flower or bow is suitable.

These are the cool models that a mother or grandmother can make on their own. Therefore, you should not be afraid of difficulties; with a good description, even beginners have already made cool beanie hats.

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