What is the name of the graduation hat?

Graduation at a university is an important event, filled with interesting traditions and fun. Students spend the carefree years of their lives in traditional attire, part of which is a special square hat. You need to become more familiar with the names of the headdress and the traditions associated with it. So what is it called?

What names are there?

graduates in capsThe graduate's hat is a square-shaped headdress occupying a horizontal position, which is held on a skull cap and has a tassel occupying a central position.. Together with the gown, the hat makes up the traditional attire of graduates and teaching staff. This outfit is used at graduation ceremonies at universities and academies, which follow the British model of education.

Each country calls the graduation cap differently. So in England they call it “Oxford”, based on the name of the popular university.In the States and Great Britain, the entire graduate look is usually called cap and gown. Australian students call the traditional cap square, trench, angular. The term “academic” is often used in descriptions.

Important! Back in the 16th and 17th centuries, students' graduation hats were called “corner-caps.”

Name of graduate hat in Russia:

  • square academic cap;
  • confederate (due to similar design);
  • master's degree;
  • bonet (translated as a hat without a brim).

Types of hats and their features

graduateThere are two main varieties: confederate and “tem”. The first option was used by the Polish military. Nowadays this headdress can often be found on civil servants. The tam represents the beret worn by Scottish men.

Types of graduation caps:

  • soft hat – can be folded and carried in your pocket;
  • hard - a traditional option, more beautiful and easier to put on.

The main thing is to choose the right size of square cap. In the States, the yarmulke is made more elastic. This makes it easier to find the right size. In East Asia, it is customary to equip confederate shirts with lacing at the back. The square hat is worn there so that the main part is at the back. If the headgear is worn correctly, it will not fall off easily.

There is a type of cap that is worn during mourning events. In this version there is no brush. Instead, two black ribbons cross the square. In the center there is a rosette made of silk or satin, like ribbons. There is a nine-ribbon option. It is worn when the highest members of society die.

Important! Funeral attire includes a matching robe. This robe does not have a hood. It is an attribute exclusively for holidays.

When do you wear your graduation cap?

Confederate with yellow tasselGraduates of higher educational institutions and teachers wear academic confederates at the diploma ceremony.. The traditional headdress is complemented by a robe and hood. This practice is typical for Western universities. In Russia, relatively recently they started dressing up like this at graduation. At first, the tradition was adopted by representatives of the humanities, and over time, technical specialties also joined in.

In the USA, even school graduates sometimes wear a square cap. Traditional attire can be used for various special occasions. In England there is a mourning version of the academic cap. It is worn at the funerals of monarchs, members of the royal family, and the head of the university.

Student Concepts

inner part of the confederateInteresting student concepts are associated with the square cap. So, an important element of the headdress is the tassel. She often changes her location after receiving her diploma. Thanks to the location of the tassel, one can understand whether he received the coveted degree or not.

When the diploma has not yet been awarded, the tassel is on the right side. After receiving the degree, she is transferred to the left side. It is imperative to change the direction of placement of the tassel at the graduation ceremony.

There are some peculiarities of wearing a hood, which was borrowed from the monks. At first, this element of attire was worn by both students and teachers. But now only those who have already received a degree wear the hood. The color of the lining determines the field of science where a person has achieved certain success.

Important! White lining is used for those with a cultural liberal arts background. Copper - typical for economic education.Doctors wear green lining, and lawyers wear purple lining.

A little about traditions

graduateTraditionally, men do not wear a square cap indoors, as well as other hats, in accordance with the rules of etiquette. Only high-ranking officials are allowed to remain private in the room. Some graduation ceremonies dispense with this headdress altogether.

Often only students remain wearing caps. Because of this, a common legend in Britain and Ireland is that men do not wear graduation hats as a protest against women receiving higher education. Many famous universities retell this fiction. In Limerick, they believe that the bonnet is exclusively a women's headdress.

In the 20th century, teachers wore square hats. She was even considered a symbol of the profession. But Nowadays, graduates of higher educational institutions cheerfully throw up a confederate card after receiving their diplomas.

Important! In the United States, in late spring and early summer, you can find a toy in a student’s headdress or postcards with his image in stores. These goods are purchased to congratulate graduates.

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