How to straighten the curled brim of a straw hat

straw hatA variety of straw hats have been considered a fashion accessory for many seasons, capable of complementing an interesting look and protecting the wearer from the scorching sun. Unfortunately, during transportation or due to improper storage, they are easily deformed. In this case, do not rush to purchase a new product - the situation can be corrected by using some tricks.

How can you straighten the curved brim of a straw hat?

how to line a hatStraw is a fairly practical material that does not require special care during operation. But even here, small troubles can occur in the form of deformation of the brim of the headdress. Most often this happens while traveling, but you don’t need to immediately give up using a useful accessory. There are several folk recipes that will help restore the shape of your favorite straw hat. The main means in this case is water. With its help, the straw will become more flexible, after which restoring the headdress will not be difficult.

To solve the problem, use:

  • a saucepan with boiling water;
  • simple steamer;
  • iron for ironing;
  • warm water in a basin;
  • spray.

REFERENCE! Each method using these tools has proven its effectiveness; choose the optimal and affordable option for your specific situation.

how to straighten a hatYou should first prepare the workplace and all the necessary equipment. It is also recommended to clean the product from dust and possible contaminants. To do this, use a weak solution of liquid detergent or hydrogen peroxide. After all the preparatory work, you can begin the main task.

How to straighten a straw hat

steam treatmentOne of the most popular methods for restoring the brim of straw hats is steam treatment. This method is used in hat stores, where the procedure is carried out using special tools and equipment. At home, take an ordinary pan of boiling water. It is necessary to place the hat over steam and process the curved parts evenly. This will soften the straw and return the product to its original appearance.

IMPORTANT! Don't bring the hat too close and be very careful. Otherwise, you may get burns and damage. For protection, wear thick gloves or oven mitts.

You can even out folded brims by gently ironing them. The main thing is to avoid direct contact of the device with the hat. It is necessary to iron through a damp cloth, otherwise there is a risk of scorching the straw.

spray methodIf the above methods do not suit you, try this:

  1. Place the accessory in a bowl of warm water or moisten it evenly with a spray bottle.
  2. Then carefully straighten the margins.
  3. Dry the product completely.

ATTENTION! Straightening curled brims is quite simple, but it is recommended to treat the headdress with care, because with each subsequent treatment the straw will become less durable.

Tips on how to store a straw hat so that its edges do not curl

how to store a hatFollowing simple rules will help keep your fashion accessory intact:

  • When traveling, do not put your hat in a suitcase with all your belongings - this will most likely cause it to become wrinkled. It is recommended to transport it on your head or in a special box.
  • At home, you need to store your hat in a separate place so that the hat lies in a straightened position. A spacious package or a specialized stand will do (it’s quite easy to find one if you want).

Now you know how to properly store a straw hat. And if it gets wrinkled, you can easily straighten it out.

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