What is the crown of a hat?

The design of the hat is quite simple and includes only a couple of basic elements. The crown is one of its components. Few people have information about the purpose of this element.

What is the crown of a hat?

hatA hat is a headdress that is used by both men and women and has a stable shape. The design here is quite simple. It includes the crown and brim. The last element has the form of stripes that frame the base. The crown is the part of the hat that covers the head.

The hat performs several functions at once. Firstly, it is a protective headdress from bad weather (rain, sun). Secondly, this is a stylish wardrobe item that can become the final part of an interesting image.

According to etiquette, a man must remove his hat as a sign of greeting. Previously, young men were taught that holding it in their hands was a sign of respect.

hat design

What meanings are there?

The concept has only one meaning. This is the main part of the headdress. Examples of the use of the word can be found in the literature of Ivan Turgenev or Vladimir Voinovich.Writers used this concept to more accurately describe the appearance of characters.

What types are there?

The hat has a rich history, so there are many varieties of it. To understand all the models, several classifications were introduced. Hats are divided according to the height of the base.

Types of models by base height:

  • men's hattall;
  • average;
  • low.

For an oval face, it is better to choose a style with a low crown and small brim. For the round type, a medium and high base is suitable. Medium sizes are considered universal, suitable for people with different face types, figures, heights, and body constitutions.

Tall people are more suitable for options with a low base. To visually become taller, you need to take a style with a high base. People with average height suit different types of hats.

Important! Tall people need to focus not only on the height of the crown and the size of the brim, but also on the texture and color of the material.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the constitution of the body. Overweight people need to purchase a high-crowned headdress. Medium options are suitable for almost everyone, except those who are overweight and short.

Crowns vary in shape. There are cylindrical, round, oval, triangular, trapezoidal and teardrop shaped. Some options have a more rigid structure, others - a soft one. The hat has come a long way historically, so it has undergone many metamorphoses.

men's hats

Crowns of men's hats

A hat can add charm, elegance or pampering, lightness to a man’s look. It all depends on her choice. The first hat for men was called a pileus. It had a purely religious purpose and consisted only of a base covering the head.Later, fields were added to it, and it began to perform a protective function.

Varieties of men's styles:

  • man in a hatthe fedora has a longitudinal deflection at the top of the base and several dents on the sides, the shape resembles a drop;
  • The homburg has some similarities with the fedora, but there are no side dents and there is a significant depression in the crown;
  • the octagonal shape has a round base, without sharp corners, in the center there is a button from which stitches extend, dividing the headdress into 8 parts;
  • the boater has a low, rigid crown, as it is made of straw;
  • current - the headdress consists of a rigid cylindrical base of medium height;
  • A baseball cap is a modern headdress with a round crown.

Crowns of women's hats

Every fashionista has a hat in her wardrobe. Women's styles are not much different from men's. But there are still some peculiarities that you need to become familiar with.

Varieties of women's styles:

  • woman in a hatgaucho - medieval version with a low cylindrical base;
  • fedora - a teardrop-shaped crown with traditional three dents;
  • trible – a type of fedora, has only one dent on the trapezoidal base;
  • bowler hat - a rigid round shape of the crown;
  • Pork Pie is a compact version with a low cylindrical base and small brims.

Important! The design of the hat consists of only two elements. But their diversity and combinations gave the world different styles of hats that gained worldwide popularity.

What kind of decorations are made on the crown?

The classic, simple look of a headdress gets boring. To dilute the boring image, the main part is decorated. To do this, you can use different materials that only your imagination suggests.

Types of jewelry:

  • straw hat with flowerfeathers are a rather unusual option that is suitable for a formal event;
  • you can take both artificial and real flowers, attaching several buds to the side or decorate the bottom of the crown with small flowers;
  • brooch is a simple but stylish option that can be replaced over time, transforming the headdress;
  • ribbon - the material of the ribbon and its thickness can be different, you can tie it with a crown and make a bow or limit yourself to a strip;
  • the beads can be placed along any trajectory, the main thing is that they are light and do not distort the shape of the hat;
  • scarf - used similarly to a ribbon, but tied at the end with two knots, the width of the decoration can be different;
  • embroidery is done directly on the hat or a ready-made design is simply attached;
  • drawing - special moisture-resistant paints can create an original and stylish design.

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