Why do we need a hat, what is it?

Since ancient history, people have worn hats. Today, a huge number of varieties are known; they are used both to complement stylized costumes and for everyday wear. They differ in the materials from which they are made, as well as in shapes and styles. You should choose them based on the features of appearance, as well as the functionality assigned to this headdress.

Hat - what is it?

Felt hat decorated with ribbonA headdress that has a crown that covers the head and brims of varying widths is called a hat. They are designed to protect from wind, cold and weather or protect from direct sunlight. Each accessory is individual, differs in style and sewing method. Often different materials are used to give the headdress a certain shape.

Often hats are decorated with various decorative elements in the form of a satin or silk ribbon, scarf, feather or beads. The headpiece adds elegance to any chosen set.

The main thing is to choose the right accessory style for your wardrobe items. An incorrectly chosen headdress can completely ruin all efforts to put together an original ensemble.

The first mentions of hats appeared during the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. In everyday life, men and women went without hats, but when traveling, in order to protect themselves from the scorching sun, they wore felt products with a medium-wide brim.

The first straw accessories with brims of various widths appeared in the 15th–16th centuries. Since then, the era of their active use by both men and women began. They began to be used as a decorative element of the wardrobe, and not just for protection from weather conditions.

Varieties, purpose

Today, thanks to the efforts of modern fashion designers, a huge number of styles are known. The most popular of them are:

  • straw wide-brimmed (comfortable, covering the face and most of the body from the sun's rays, previously used only by poor peasants in southern countries);
  • Panama (a comfortable, soft accessory that can protect from the scorching sun and become an excellent addition to your everyday outfit);
  • bowler (a classic hat that adds elegance to the image and denotes the impeccable taste of its owner);
  • fedora (a modest and simple fedora allows you to get a stylish casual look, distinguished by eccentricity and originality).Different types of hats

Stylists advise choosing a product based on stylistic preferences in clothing and in accordance with the functional needs of the future owner of the fashion accessory. An incorrectly selected headdress can completely ruin your entire look.

You need to make a decision on choosing a hat only after careful fitting and thinking through looks with elements of your existing wardrobe.

Manufacturing materials

The traditional material for making hats is felt. It is a warm and comfortable fiber made from rabbit hair or sheep down. Such products hold their shape well and protect well from wind and bad weather.

Beige Firth hat on a girlToday there are various technologies for making felt accessories. They are sewn from natural fiber or additives from synthetic threads are used. In addition, felt can be made entirely of synthetic materials, which makes the final product cheaper.

In addition, hats come from:

  • straws (usually wide-brimmed, protecting from the sun and allowing the scalp to “breathe” unhindered);
  • textiles (light and breathable material is great for summer models);
  • leather (heavy and difficult to deform material, usually hats are made from it, stylized to resemble some kind of costume).

Textiles are also made from man-made fabrics with added chemical treatments to enhance the functionality of the hat. The technology is quite simple and does not require large investments. Headwear becomes more accessible for purchase as a result of cheaper prices.

Hats are most often decorated with various elements in the form of ribbons or bows. Usually this is a satin ribbon that matches the headdress. But there are also original models that use feathers, beads, bows and more.

How to wear it?

Today, hats are at the peak of popularity. However, many still believe that this product is not for everyone. This is a misconception, since it suits everyone if it is correctly matched to the owner’s appearance and the set he has chosen.

You can wear hats with anything and however you like. A strict business look will be perfectly complemented by a classic hat with small brims, slightly curved upward. And the relaxed urban style will go well with octagonal headdresses. A more classic casual look can easily be paired with straw hats, while summer looks look good with wide-brimmed straw, textile and felt hats.Different types of hats on girls

Any version of the chosen headdress can be qualitatively combined with existing wardrobe items, achieving a stylish and original look. From the wide variety of accessories presented in stores, anyone can choose exactly what they like. The hat is in trend today, so feel free to put together stylish looks for every day and go to conquer this world.

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