Hair fluid - what is it?

If you are tired of looking for the right hair beauty product, pay attention to an innovative product called fluid. According to manufacturers and professional hairdressers, this product can work real miracles.

What is hair fluid and why is it needed?

Are you familiar with problems such as brittleness, dullness, dryness, and inability to style? If yes, then you cannot do without the use of resuscitation agents. Attention can and should be paid to the following product:

Fluid is a hair care product with a creamy or oily texture. Very light, does not leave a sticky feeling and does not weigh down the strands. It contains many useful substances. The fluid is quite capable of solving the most common hair problems and replacing several products at once.

Regular use of this miracle remedy will help achieve the following results:

  • restoration of structure;
  • moisturizing the scalp;
  • smoothing;
  • root volume;
  • solving the problem of split ends;
  • protection from negative external influences;
  • easier styling;
  • acceleration of the curling and straightening process.

All this can be achieved if you use hair fluid. You can choose either a multifunctional or a product with a specific focus.

hair fluid

Operating principle

The product begins to “work” from the first second of contact with the strands:

  1. Oils, proteins and liquid silk act from within. They make hair obedient and smooth.
  2. Natural components have a general healing and strengthening effect. Promote hydration, nutrition, stimulate blood circulation, “wake up” dormant hair follicles.
  3. Silicones and keratin protect strands from the negative effects of the external environment.

If the product is chosen correctly, its effect will be noticeable after the first use. First, the appearance of the hair will improve, then healing and strengthening will occur from the inside. That is why most fluids differ in their principle of action. You can find funds that are intended for:

  • to improve the condition of damaged hair that has not been dyed or permed;
  • for the reconstruction of natural thin and dehydrated strands;
  • hair that needs additional hydration and nutrition;
  • curls damaged by frequent curling and dyeing.

Multifunctional tools can solve all these problems at once. They are designed specifically for comprehensive care.

How to use it correctly?

Almost all fluids are a substance that must be applied to damp, clean hair before drying. The main thing is to distribute them well over the entire length and not wash them off. But few people know that the method of application may vary slightly depending on the condition of the hair:

  1. If the strands have been dyed and become too dry because of it, the fluid should be applied from the tips to the roots.
  2. Regularity of use: several times a week.
  3. If split ends are detected, the fluid can be applied to them at least daily. Typically such products come in the form of a spray.
  4. Fluids released in liquid form are also suitable for daily use. They are applied to the curls before combing.

To achieve maximum effect, it is important that shampoo, conditioner, masks and other care products are produced by the same manufacturer. In tandem, they will provide your hair with complete care and protection.

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