What is nude lipstick

Recently, it has been noticeable that many famous stylists are tired of too much war paint, and after them, ordinary girls have turned to more natural makeup. Today the trend is maximum naturalness in everything. This article will talk about nude lipsticks, their features and advantages.

Nude lipstick: what is it?

Nude is the name of the color. Translated from English, “nude” means “naked.” That is, lips of this shade should look as natural as possible.

You should create the impression that there is no makeup on your lips. The existing juicy and expressive shade is simply a natural talent. By and large, the entire palette of beige, sand, vanilla, brown, nude and caramel pink colors can be classified as nude.

Nude lipsticks.


How to choose nude lipstick

When choosing a nude lipstick, you need to consider the following factors:

  • natural lip tone;
  • skin tone;
  • her undertone.

Reference. Too dark lipstick will age a girl and make her look overly strict. A very light one, on the contrary, will turn you into a zombie.Therefore, when choosing such know-how, you should be careful.

To decide on the tone of your lips, a little patience is enough. You need to select several options that visually match the shade and apply them to your lips until they completely match.

Nude lipstick on the lips.


Skin undertone is even easier to determine. Just look carefully at your wrists and the color of your veins. If they are blue or lilac, then the girl has a cool undertone. And, accordingly, lipstick should be chosen in the same shade.

If the veins are brown or green, it means the undertone is warm. And the lipstick should have a predominant color of yellow, orange or peach. It happens that the veins are almost invisible. And it is impossible to determine which palette they belong to. Then the undertone is considered neutral and the color scale can be absolutely any.

Nude lipstick on the lips.


There are five skin tones. Each of them has a set of characteristic differences. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can easily determine yours:

  1. Ivory. That is, very light with a bluish tint. For such girls, you need transparent or pink lipstick a tone darker than your own lips.
  2. Light with a warm tint. Owners of such skin are not recommended to choose brown cosmetics. The most correct solution would be beige with a touch of pink or peach.
  3. Olive. In this case, any lipstick will do. But there is a condition - the tone must be lighter or darker than natural. It is recommended to choose rich pigments within the bright caramel range.
  4. Medium, that is, beige with a warm undertone. The ideal option would be caramel pink lipsticks. Their tone should be slightly lighter than their skin tone.
  5. Dark. Dark, bronze or tanned skin itself looks very impressive. You should also choose a dark lipstick with a predominant base of milk chocolate color. Hot brunettes are recommended to use dark red pigment.
Combination of nude lipstick with different skin tones.


Makeup rules with nude lipstick

There are six rules to consider when doing natural makeup:

  1. Nude shades highlight any skin imperfections. Therefore, before using them, you should level the surface with a scrub. Or disguise it with a concealer.
  2. The selected lipstick should be darker than the lips, but no more than two shades.
  3. Use nude lipstick with a pencil. This kind of makeup requires a clear outline.
  4. To give your lips fullness and sensual volume, use gloss or highlighter.
  5. Makeup artists advise highlighting natural makeup with bronze or peach blush.
  6. When applying the effect of “naked” lips, it is necessary to highlight the eyes or eyebrows. The ideal option would be a smokey eye or classic bright arrows.

The product in question can be used in any makeup. However, makeup artists do not recommend using matte lipstick textures. They will look like sloppy putty.

Nude lipstick is a trend that has firmly “settled” on the faces of millions of girls around the world. The right tone combined with skillful makeup will create an unforgettable image. Today, focusing on the eyes is very fashionable. “Naked” lips can be emphasized with the help of a unique nude lipstick.

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