What is lipstick made from?

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such a medicinal and cosmetic product as hygienic lipstick. She is an indispensable attribute in the skincare arsenal of any young lady who wants to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance. The balm is especially useful in the cold season, because it protects the delicate epidermis of the lips from the negative effects of wind and low temperatures better than any other product.

This product is an excellent prevention of the formation of peeling and dryness, leading to the appearance of painful microcracks. A composition containing a large number of different useful ingredients helps to achieve the goals set for the product. These are oils, wax, vitamins, plant extracts, SPF filters.

What is included in hygienic lipstick?

The composition of a lip care product may vary depending on the purpose and manufacturer. But the basis will be the same for each variety.

Hygienic lipstick.

Plant extracts

It can be:

  1. Aloe VERA. Accelerates wound healing, relieves inflammation and irritation.
  2. Extracts from chamomile and calendula. Soothe, remove irritation, accelerate the healing of microcracks.
Lipstick with chamomile extract.

SPF filters

The presence of such a component is no less important than the presence of plant extracts or oils. Especially when it comes to using balms in the warm season. Products containing special SPF filters serve as an excellent barrier and help protect the epidermis from the negative effects of sunlight.

Other components

In some lip care products you can find:

  1. Panthenol – improves tissue regeneration.
  2. Lanolin – deeply moisturizes.
  3. Squalene – makes the epidermis elastic and soft.
  4. Azulene – helps in the fight against flaking and dry skin.

In quality products, the use of all kinds of fragrances and dyes is not allowed. The maximum and fastest effect can be achieved only by applying products with a completely natural composition.

All components used undergo careful testing. For production, the company uses only useful and harmless substances. The manufacturing process is regulated by strict rules that help preserve the beneficial properties of the components for a long time.

Types of hygienic lipstick depending on composition

There are many options for cosmetics produced to care and protect the epidermis of the lips. They all have different compositions that determine the purpose of the product:

  1. With SPF filters. If you need a product for spring or summer, then a product with SPF filters is the most suitable option. However, in winter you should not refuse additional protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. For daily use, an option with an SPF-25 level will be sufficient; for going to the beach, it is worth looking for a product with a higher protective index.
  2. Moisturizing. Such products are labeled accordingly. The drug saturates the epidermis with moisture, preventing the appearance of dryness, peeling and microcracks. The product is indispensable in the hot season.
  3. Nutritious. Effective in combating irritation, dryness, cracks. The composition includes a large number of useful substances - honey, plant extracts, natural oils, wax. Each of them is famous for its healing properties.
  4. Tinted. Successfully combines the effect of a care and decorative product. The product takes care of the epidermis, saturates it with useful substances and at the same time gives a light tint.

    Tinted lipstick.


  5. Antiherpetic. It is characterized by a pronounced therapeutic effect, has an antiseptic and softening effect. During times of high viral activity, it is used for prevention purposes.
  6. Balm. Combines balm and hygienic lipstick. The composition includes a large number of useful components. For example, sesame oil, vitamins A and E, bagasse oil, which help fight dryness and the appearance of microcracks.

The use of hygienic lipstick for therapeutic and preventive purposes is recommended for every girl. This inexpensive but effective product will cope with existing problems and prevent their recurrence. With its help, lips will always be well-groomed and attractive. The main thing is to use quality products.

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