How to choose a lip pencil to match your lipstick

Lip pencil helps to highlight them, make them brighter and more voluminous. The main thing is that it matches the shade of lipstick. The differences will be very noticeable and will ruin your makeup. It is necessary to select a pencil for lipstick taking into account the color palette, texture of the product, and density. It is worth understanding this issue in more detail.

What to consider when choosing a pencil for lipstick

It was noted that when selecting a pencil, many factors must be taken into account. One of the most important is shade. If it contrasts too much, the lips will stand out and spoil the overall look. The task of the contour is to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

Lipstick pencil.

How to choose the right color

There are many shades of not only lipsticks, but also lip pencils. Finding a combination of them can be difficult. Among the most popular:

  1. White. This contour will add fullness and volume to the lips. The main thing is to shade it after application.
  2. Colorless. Manufacturers began to produce similar options recently. They are combined mainly with glitter.The contour holds it on the lips, preventing it from slipping or going beyond the edges.
  3. Color. This includes all known tones, including pink, brown, etc. The darker the shade, the more appropriate it is for evening or holiday makeup, and the lighter ones - for daytime.

The key rule for choosing the right combination is that the pencil should either completely match the color of the lipstick, or be a tone lighter.

You can start not only from the desired effect, but also from the shade of lipstick. If it is bodily, then its outline should be the same. It is important that both products match the shade of the foundation.

The selection features for colored lipsticks have already been noted; the pencil should match or be a little lighter. A darker contour is only suitable for evening makeup or if you need to adjust the shape of your lips.

Pencil and dark lipstick.

@Beauty Store 2U

Which one to choose based on texture and density?

This cosmetic product differs not only in palette, but also in texture and density. The pencil can be soft or hard. The first option allows you to draw a more even contour, but it has poor durability. Due to its softness, it begins to quickly spread and smear.

The hard version is more durable. But to get an even contour, you will have to practice. Manufacturers take into account the wishes of customers. They released products with medium texture and special silicone pencils. The latter have an oily consistency. Therefore, it is easy to work with them and they stay on the surface of the skin for a long time, smoothing it out well. They are considered the most preferable options for lip makeup.

There are also waterproof types. The advantage is good durability. You don't have to worry about constantly adjusting your makeup. But they are harder in texture.Therefore, when applying it is important to act carefully and carefully.

Basics of using lip liner in makeup

It is necessary not only to choose the right combination of lipstick and pencil, but also to apply lip makeup correctly. First, they should be lightly powdered. You can cover it with a thin layer of foundation to make it more matte and even. Using a pencil, they begin to carefully draw the outline - from the upper lip and move towards the lower one. First paint the center, then proceed to the corners.

Lip pencil.

It is important not to press too hard. The lines should not be bright or too noticeable. After drawing the contour, you need to shade it a little into the inner side of the lips using a brush. Finally, apply gloss or lipstick.

It is recommended to hold the pencil in your hands for a while before use. This will allow it to warm up slightly. Then it will lie softer and smoother, and it will be more convenient to work with it. If you draw a line slightly beyond the natural contour of the lips, this will make them visually plumper and larger. But in this case the corners are not outlined. Additional volume can be achieved by covering the lipstick with gloss on top.

Before sharpening a pencil, it is recommended to put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. This will allow it to become more solid. It will not crumble when sharpened.

What is lip pencil for and its benefits?

Some people neglect this detail in makeup, not realizing how much benefit it can bring. First of all, it seems to hold the lipstick in its place, preventing it from going beyond the outlined line. Initially, this function was the main one of the cosmetic product. However, now drawing a contour allows you to visually change the shape of the lips, making them more voluminous and bright.This also accentuates their natural curve.

The effect of using lip pencil.


You can achieve the effects described by knowing some tricks of applying cosmetics. It's amazing how much a detail like this can transform a face.

It is recommended that you have several different shades of pencil in your cosmetic bag. This will not only allow you to choose the appropriate contour for any lipstick, but also even out the shape of your lips. Even if you don’t want to change their visual appearance, by doing more, you can correct the slight asymmetry that is typical of any face. When applying bright lipstick, it often becomes noticeable how different the left and right sides may be.

It is worth remembering that you can not only enlarge, but also visually reduce your lips. Then you need not to go beyond the natural line, but, on the contrary, to carry out a counter within it.

If you can’t find the right shade of pencil for a certain shade of lipstick, you can use a small makeup brush. With its help, the contour is drawn using the chosen lipstick. Then the shades will completely match.

If you compare makeup with and without a drawn line, you will notice significant differences. When using a pencil, the lipstick lays down in a more even layer. Therefore, they should not be neglected. The main thing is to consider texture and shade. They must match the base. Otherwise, the makeup will turn out ridiculous and tasteless.

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