5 Celebrities Who Dress Horribly in Everyday Life

Sometimes a person dresses poorly not because he has no taste, but because he simply has no money. However, this definitely does not apply to the stars, because they have enough money. Why do they sometimes have such problems with choosing clothes? Today I'm going to tell you about five celebrities who have terrible everyday style.

Miley Cyrus

It’s even difficult to understand here: is it a matter of taste or the desire to maintain a shocking image? Miley always dresses brightly and inappropriately. Almost all of the star's outfits look too vulgar. Dresses that, in fact, are not visible, the absence of at least some outerwear, transparent outfits, and so on.

Miley Cyrus


The main feature of Miley Cyrus is images that cover only the most intimate places. It looks absolutely unattractive and causes a feeling of awkwardness, but this does not bother the singer. Cyrus strives to be remembered for his outrageousness.

Miley's exposure looks especially ridiculous on the red carpet. Celebrities dress up and choose beautiful, expensive dresses to look really good.And Miley Cyrus stands nearby in a fishing net to show off her body. And this is at best! She can also choose a costume made only from costume jewelry.

Mila Kunis

The only star on the list who chooses scary clothes to scare people away. The thing is that photographers are hunting for celebrities around the clock. To get rid of unnecessary attention, Mila tries to choose baggy and ugly clothes. If photographers can find her, then at least the picture should come out bad, so they won’t pester her.

Mila Kunis


In practice, this has no effect. Mila Kunis looks good even in tacky outfits. Shapeless T-shirts and sweaters, torn jeans. All clothes are in very bad shape. Many T-shirts are generally for men.

Naturally, Mila doesn’t bring her street style to the red carpet. At important events, Kunis is always well dressed. But in everyday life, the actress is quite easily confused with people from poor areas.

Drew Barrymore

The girl constantly experiments with style. Because of this, she has a lot of not only brilliant outfits, but also complete failures. This is also due to Drew’s carelessness: she doesn’t attach much importance to her clothes.

This was most evident in my youth. Incomprehensible shirts with large polka dots, large boots (and sometimes men's ones), as well as baggy pants with ridiculous patterns. With age, at least the actress began to appear on the red carpet in more appropriate outfits. Evening dresses and shoes became part of Barrymore's look. The celebrity began to pay much more attention to her appearance.

Drew Barrymore


But in life, Drew Barrymore does not change his former principles. The same baggy clothes, a lot of gray and faded colors. Perhaps, of course, this is due to the desire to hide from annoying photographers and get lost in the crowd.

Anastasia Volochkova

The ballerina became famous largely thanks to her splits. It's hard to know whether they're delightful or embarrassing. But with Anastasia’s outfits everything is simpler: they are ridiculous and often tasteless.

Volochkova wants to look different from everyone else. In principle, the ballerina succeeds, but this is clearly not what she dreamed of. In Russian show business it is difficult to find any girl who dresses worse than Anastasia.

Anastasia Volochkova

@Natalia Radulova – LiveJournal 4

Among the ballerina's failures there is even a samovar dress, painted to look like Gzhel. And also leggings combined with a fur cape. What can we say about a dress with pink patterns, which would be more appropriate on a market saleswoman than on a TV star. This image was remembered for a long time.

We should also talk about Anastasia Volochkova’s love for bright elements. The eternal abundance of gold in her outfits can only please crows. Incomprehensible prints that are remembered only by their absurdity. The ballerina’s shoes also often come out of place and make the image heavier.

Britney Spears

The pop star has changed throughout his career. Both internally and externally. Britney preferred racy outfits from the very beginning. And the further she went, the more inappropriate her hobby became.

Transparent dresses through which underwear was visible, or tight clothing. This was the case before the birth, but after the singer’s style changed radically. But it didn't get noticeably better.

Britney Spears

@Art Review

Britney Spears began to bend in the other direction. The outfits became too stretched and baggy. In appearance, the singer began to resemble a person who was allowed into the party by mistake. Pink bright T-shirts with faded jeans screamed about the pop star’s lack of taste.

Afterwards, a difficult life situation led to Britney being admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It’s good that the singer was able to cope with this.Paradoxically, after that her style became noticeably better. It's a pity that past bad images cannot be erased from memory.

Reviews and comments
ABOUT Olga M.:

Rudkovskaya dresses worse than Volochkova. It's just crappy. Rudkovskaya, unlike Volochkova, has a figure, but she manages to ruin it with all her outfits. And her outfits are designer. It seems that at shows she chooses the ugliest sets of clothes and buys them!


