TOP 10 unsuccessful transformations from the “Fashionable Sentence” program

The program “Fashionable Sentence” has been successfully broadcast on Channel One for many years. But over all this time, not only attractive images were created that transformed women into younger, stylish beauties. We invite you to look at ten unfortunate images that surprised viewers, but seemed trendy to the program stylists.

Fashion sentence program

Youth pink

The girl came to the show in baggy, outdated clothes made from low-quality materials with a classic long braid over her shoulder. The stylists tried to transform the image of the heroine in accordance with her age, but they overdid it.

The hairdressers managed to create a great hairstyle, curling large curls and dyeing the star of the program blonde. The items were also chosen with taste according to the style and figure of the heroine. However, the color - something between pale pink and soft purple - did not suit the girl at all.

It looked too bright on pale skin only suitable for going to a party. In general, the heroine looked like a character from the movie “Legally Blonde” with characteristic thoughts in the eyes of the audience in the hall.

Unsuccessful image from the program Fashionable Sentence

Apple shape

A mischievous girl with a complex body type came to the program with a smile and left victoriously. But the gorgeous transformation didn’t work out. The stylists did not cope with their task, emphasizing all the flaws of the silhouette.

In the image that was initially presented to the audience from selected items from the heroine’s wardrobe, she looked much better than in stylish models. In a long skirt with a zipper in the front and a light top, she looked like her own caricature.

Unsuccessful image from the program Fashionable Sentence

The singer's transformation

The star of the 90s stage - singer Olga Zarubina - came to the program expecting a wonderful transformation. It is worth noting that Her natural qualities are amazing: she has a thin, graceful figure. All the stylists needed was to emphasize their advantages with fashionable clothes without excess.

However, they decided to jump over their heads, which led to tears of the heroine of the program. After the transformation, the singer admitted that she would not wear the wardrobe that was purchased for her.

The retro image created by the organizers aged Zarubina by a couple of decades. This completely inappropriate for such a large project, which is watched by tens of thousands of women.

Unsuccessful image from the program Fashionable Sentence

Reviews and comments
M Marina:

The unattractive faceless woman became a beautiful blonde, and no one aged Zarubina, she herself grew old... a long time ago - wonderful images!
The rest are the ravings of a madman and triviality. In fairness, it must be added that such “complex figures” and faces))) should be hidden, and not dressed up, on display to the whole country!
Becoming slim and attending a fashionable event should be an incentive, and not the other way around...

WITH Sofia:

You know, when viewing images, a different impression appears. For example, the first girl from a gray mouse was turned into a beauty by dressing her in purple. In general, I can say about the “weighting of the figure” that the girl’s figure is not beautiful, but too wide. Therefore, the stylists compensated for this with an oversized jacket: I would still change the sneakers to shoes. The girl who was put on a red corset was made feminine. Well, yes, the style is not particularly good for the office, but if she goes on a date like this, she will have a chance of attracting male interest, but in the first look it’s a nightmare and quiet horror.
Well, they tried to rejuvenate Zarubina and take her away from the image of a dull teacher: what didn’t you like so much, I wonder?
It seems to me that all these heroines chose the images of stylists, and not their own. Otherwise, they would have gone to the show in vain.


morning cinder block on PervoAnal TV, as bad taste as it was, it will remain

N Natalia:

Hello! The most annoying thing is that you have to pay for all these outfits, even though they say they are a gift...
So my family paid 18 thousand. If you like it, don’t mind, but if it’s complete g...?

H Chel:

some norms


