At what age is it no longer inappropriate to open your belly?

A very sensitive question... From TV screens, on fashion pages, on social networks in groups for the most stylish, a bare belly looks cute, romantic and, most often, cool. I wonder what age this “trick” is generally intended for? Let's speculate.

When did this fashion “come”?

Back in 1996, “former Soviet” students wore short knitted tops and low skirts that hung on their hips. AND they were not girls of easy virtue, it’s just that fashion “called and forced.” Although, of course, the university management often posted “guards” at the door, and a student with a bare stomach was immediately sent home to change clothes...

Nevertheless, from the age of 15, normal girls did not hesitate to show off their waists, and those around them began to consider this obscene much later.

girl in a yellow T-shirt

Current realities

Today coming to the office or work with a bare stomach is considered indecent at any age. Especially if it’s minus 20 outside, especially in low-waist jeans. By the way, about the latter - they have been around for several years now. are considered bad manners and are absolutely out of fashion.

But such an outfit has its advantages. Slender young ladies “without a butt, without a bust” (may the overly slender ones forgive me) in such clothes look more “weighty”, “fleshy”.

Of course, everything should be in moderation. A top “under the bust” and a low waist in a skirt or pants “almost to the border of the buttocks” are truly indecent for any figure.

Can girls aged 15–20 wear it?

Maybe yes. If you are not afraid of public censure.

Fed up with cheap “love” and availability, men can see in a girl with a “naked belly” the one who will not refuse. Grandmothers in the yard will even christen it impartially, although who cares about their opinion... Mom and dad are unlikely to allow you to wear this, unless you can secretly... In a word, you should definitely think about whether you need it.

girl in a vest

What can we say about 20-30 year olds?

An independent woman at this age will be able to cope with both the gloomy glances of grandmothers at the entrance and the opinions of her parents on this matter. But This “frees up” men’s hands. The young lady is an adult, capable of taking responsibility for her actions, and if she dresses like this, it means she should be ready for both hints and more overt actions.

girl with bare belly

Open belly at 30–40 years old

The woman is still “in the juice”, but it is possible to open this sexual part of the body, only if she's perfect. Folds, stretch marks after childbirth, and an inverted navel are unlikely to please others. You can say: "Fi! What do I care about them?- and you will be right. But it won't add beauty. But there is plenty of contemptuous ridicule.

At this age, a woman realizes herself, strives to be independent, to achieve something in life.And by wearing revealing clothes, she seems to be saying that frivolous and accessible. Therefore, before wearing a short top and “low” jeans or trousers, you should think a hundred times.

beautiful woman

What can you do after 40?

It's different in every country. Has an impact on the choice of such clothing mentality, education, self-confidence, and the weatherFinally, there are many more factors.

Once upon a time, temperamental Brazilian women walked the streets of Rio de Janeiro with pleasure, even with fat, bare bellies. Fiery Spanish women with scarves on their hips and shirts tied across their chests could inflame a man at any age. Indians, Africans, and how many other nationalities are there in which a woman’s bare midriff was not considered something indecent both at 20 and at 50?

Today in the provinces they will still “forgive” a woman for such a prank, but in a modern metropolis, unfortunately, not. Well, maybe, if your stomach is perfect, your abs are great, your waist is great. And then, only in specific places, for example, at carnivals, gas stations, in a word, “working” areas. It is unlikely that you will be understood in an office, a shopping center, or a kindergarten. At the very least, they will look at you disapprovingly.

woman in a short t-shirt

Europeans are more relaxed in this regard. For some reason, their “cult of the body” completely allows, for example, a wizened old woman to go jogging in the morning in short shorts and a T-shirt. They won’t call her a “obscene girl” and won’t even look after her and twist her head. In Russia - there will be. Therefore, our grandmothers will never allow themselves to do this.

granny in shorts

When is it still possible?

Of course, there are exceptions. There are enough options, so it is quite possible not to deny yourself the pleasure of showing off luxurious abs at any age:

  1. On holiday on the coast. In the heat, none of the residents of the small coastal resort town care about other people. As a rule, it is deserted, hot and you can almost walk around in a swimsuit.
  2. Among friends at a private party. Quite a suitable option for showing off good abs.
  3. Under your arm with my boyfriend. If he doesn't mind getting looks at you.

And such sets also look good. A thin strip of skin between the top and bottom will tell you about your abs, but will not be considered something indecent.

with short top

What if you don’t care what others think?

You have the right to do so. Today, every woman realizes herself as best she can. If you are not embarrassed by sidelong glances, if you like yourself in the mirror, if such clothes do not shake your moral convictions wear. But be prepared for anything.

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