How to make a wire mannequin with your own hands

A wire mannequin serves for decorative purposes. It is difficult to use it for sewing clothes, since it does not follow the exact texture of the body.

The wire figure can be used as:

  • clothes hangers at home, in stores, exhibition centers, etc.;
  • interior transformations.

Manufacturing process

In order to make a human-sized wire mannequin, you need to take:

  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • tape, corrugated paper or paint for decoration (depending on your wishes).

First, decide what kind of figure your mannequin should have. Use your figure as a model or ask others for help.

The thickness of the wire can be from 1 to 3 mm in cross section. Choose the thickness based on the purpose of further use of the figure. If the load on the product will be large, choose thicker wire. A thin metal copy can be folded.Wire mannequin

At the same time, calculate your strengths and capabilities. It needs to be shaped. To connect it, you will have to bend the ends with pliers.If it is difficult to shape, you can try heating it slightly on a gas stove. The material will become softer.

If you have a friend with a welding machine (a carbon dioxide welder is required), ask him to help secure the ends. In the latter case, you will not have to make much effort to connect, and the connection points will look neater.

The amount of wire will depend on the shape and the number of circles around the body. A mannequin with a thin texture and 5 circles around the body (as in the photo) will take about 10 meters.

Mannequin measurements:

You will need to take the following measurements:

  • neck circumference (at the top of the head and at the bottom);
  • neck height (length between the upper and lower neck circumference);
  • shoulder length (the point located at the lowest point of the neck along the shoulder to the protruding bone);
  • arm circumference (along the protruding bone on the shoulder, through the armpit);
  • further – chest coverage, under the chest, waist.

Decide how long your craft needs. If it is up to the hips, then you will need coverage of the hips and another coverage - in the middle between the waist and hip lines.

Hip measurement

Length. You will need help to take this measurement. Starting point of measurement: divide the right thigh in half at the front. The start will be from this point on the hip line. Then we lay a centimeter up to the girth under the chest. Next, pull the centimeter to the mammary gland, write down the measurement and draw a line to the middle of the shoulder. We fix it.

We carry the centimeter further - along the line of the back to the middle of the right thigh behind (to the line of the hips). Remember all the segments between the girths along the back. And record the total length from the starting point to the ending point.


Working with wire

Working with wire
Now let's cut the wire. The sections are made 2 cm longer than the control measurements to allow for twisting.

First of all, we make ovals from the circumferences of the chest, under the chest, waist, hips and middle. We connect each oval by twisting the ends using pliers. We make circles along the girth of the arms and two lengths of the neck.

Mannequin neck wire

Cut two pieces of wire, the length of which is equal to “neck length + shoulder length + 2 cm for connection.” It is necessary to bend it at the point of the lower girth of the neck. To ensure that the line accurately follows the human contour, attach this segment to the person from whom measurements were taken.

It remains to cut two more pieces equal to the full length of the mannequin in front and back. Next, you should texture the pieces, highlighting the area of ​​​​the hips and chest. Check the resulting bends with the shapes of the model.

All the resulting parts should be connected to each other with a thin wire. You can use a soldering iron with a power of 100 W or higher to solder parts. Flux is used depending on the composition of the metal thread. When using active flux, the joints at the soldering points are washed with water so that the product is not subject to corrosion.

Finished wire mannequin

The finished mannequin is painted, wrapped with tape, or decorated to the master’s taste. Decorate You can use flowers, beads. Metal looks beautiful when artificially “aged” using two-component silver or bronze paint.

Often additional accessories are made for the figure. For example, a skirt, hats. This will require imagination and patience. The work is painstaking, but the result will please you for a long time.

It can have as many girths as you like: the more of them, the “dense” and heavier the product. You can make only three girths - chest, waist and hips, but make much more lengths.

The gaps between the wire can be closed with pieces of the same thickness or thinner; you can wrap the resulting mannequin with threads.The design depends only on your capabilities and imagination.

Mannequin stand

The resulting mannequin can be used without a stand, with a stand, hung on hooks, etc.

For the stand, take an iron pipe of small diameter, a round stick or another strong iron ring into which the pipe will be inserted. To make the figure stable, a tripod is made below.

Wire mannequin

You can buy a ready-made rack or take the lower part of an old unnecessary hanger. Ideally, such a stand will be welded by a specialist specifically for your mannequin.

Set - wire mannequin with stand

Craftsmen suggest using an inexpensive metal-based lampshade to attach the stand. After disassembling the lampshade, leave only the metal frame. We insert it into the middle of the wire dummy and attach the stand to it.

Mini wire mannequin

Mini wire mannequin - slide 2
For decorative purposes, small wire figures are made in the form of a miniature doll. For a miniature copy, you should take thin wire with a cross-section of no more than 1 mm, since its parts are small. A large cross-section will interfere with the execution of the figure; the resulting product will be massive.

In fact, making a mini mannequin no different from the usual one described above. Take a doll as a basis for work. If any bend does not work out, you can attach the wire to the doll’s body to repeat it according to the template.

A more detailed article on how to make a mini mannequin with your own hands Here.

Reviews and comments
IN Vlad:

Good idea, wire mannequin)


