How to iron a leatherette jacket?

IroningWhen one season gives way to another, many of us put warm clothes in the far corner of the closet. They are placed on shelves and compacted, which leads to the appearance of folds, creases and visible traces of storage on outerwear.

But As soon as the wind blows and it gets cooler, their favorite things are released from captivity, wrinkled and unkempt.

It is possible to quickly solve such a problem using several ways, using improvised means, which can be found in every housewife’s home. Similar methods and step-by-step instructions will be given in the article below.

Properly ironing a jacket, coat or bag made of leatherette means extending their service life and saving yourself from additional expenses. Things made from genuine leather are more expensive and more difficult to care for and wear, while leather substitutes cost less and are more durable, so they are deservedly popular.

Methods for properly ironing a leatherette jacket

Jackets on a hangerAfter that, Once you get the item, just hang it on your hanger. Give her the opportunity to deal with it on her own, without your help.

If within a few days the folds and creases on the leatherette jacket have not gone away, then you should move on to more drastic measures - applying temperature or hot steam.


Using this method, the main condition will be maintaining temperature (not higher than 30 degrees), turning off the steam function on the iron, minimal pressure on the device and ironing the item turned inside out.

Ironing a jacket

It should also be understood that If done incorrectly, the jacket can be irreparably damaged. Actions must be clear, accurate and step-by-step:

  • Set the iron to delicate ironing mode and turn off the steam function. To avoid deformation of the leather under the influence of heat, check the correct temperature using the tip of the iron sole, on the wrong side of the item, where it is not visible.
  • Turn the jacket with the lining facing up. First, smooth out any visible unevenness with your hands.
  • Place a piece of smooth cotton fabric over the areas where the leatherettes come into contact, as sticking may occur under the influence of temperature. Be sure to do this when the lining material is thin or missing.
  • Turn it back inside out.

Put on a leatherette jacket

Hang on a hanger, adding volume using filler from disposable bags or strands of towels. Another option is to put an ironed jacket on yourself and walk in it for about an hour so that it remembers the contours of your body.


Steaming a jacket with an ironA more gentle and safe way. In order for everything to work out well, you need to do the following:

  1. Find soft hangers that fit the size, roll up rolls of terry towels and insert them into the sleeves.
  2. For the process, take a steamer or iron (set the vertical steaming mode).
  3. We treat small areas at a distance of 10-15 cm.from the thing.
  4. We act for 5-10 seconds on those places where there are irregularities.
  5. Leave it alone for 30 minutes.

Important! To avoid leaving fingerprints on the product, avoid contact with skin during the steaming process.

Hair dryer – hot air ironing

If you are afraid to use an iron and do not have a steamer, take a hair dryer to help.

Jacket hair dryerAdditionally, for the procedure, prepare a wet handkerchief or piece of fabric, a blanket.

  • Roll up the blanket and put it in your jacket.
  • Cover the place where hot air comes out of the hair dryer with a piece of cloth.
  • Turn on high mode. Blow the jacket at a distance of 20 cm.
  • Leave the item to cool.
  • Try again if not all areas are smoothed out.

How to iron a leatherette jacket: Folk methods

Everything that people have invented is brilliant and simple! There are several such methods and they all work for the desired result.

Methods and actions:

  1. Smoothing out a jacket in the rainWalking in the drizzling rain. When it's rainy and foggy outside and you have 30-40 minutes of free time, go for a walk. Drops from the sky will moisturize the skin of the product, and body heat will warm it. The result will be something like a greenhouse effect, which will contribute to the natural straightening of flaws.
  2. Spray bottle with warm water. Turn the item inside out, go over it with a dampened sponge or spray it with a spray bottle. Keep the jacket damp but not wet. Avoid drafts. Approximate drying time is 12 hours.
  3. Sauna. Pour hot water into the bath. Place a jacket over it and close the room for several hours. Warm, moist air will easily straighten wrinkled areas.Smooth the jacket with glycerin
  4. Glycerin or shoe polish. Wipe the skin with a cloth moistened with the product. Leave to dry. Thanks to glycerin, leatherette straightens and acquires shine. Colorless shoe polish gives the same effect.
  5. Vinegar and hair conditioner. Mix 9% table vinegar, conditioner and water in equal proportions. Apply the composition. After drying, the pungent smell of vinegar will disappear.

Attention! Use the prepared product on the back of the jacket to avoid possible unpleasant surprises.

How to properly care for a leatherette jacket: Tips

When the jacket has lost its neat appearance, is dirty and worn out, it needs to be washed, stains removed and tinted. In order not to completely ruin the item, carefully study the symbols on the jacket label.

Label on the jacketFrom it you will understand whether the jacket can be ironed, at what temperature it should be washed, and the approved detergents. If washing is not possible, treat stains with a weak solution of vinegar or detergent. Wet the sponge and go over the jacket, then wipe dry.

In cases where hand washing is allowed, you cannot soak a leatherette product, as it will become saturated with water and lose its shape forever. Pour warm water into a basin, add liquid laundry detergent, lower the product, and rub lightly. When rinsing, change the water several times. You cannot push vigorously. Then you need to hang it on hangers and wait for it to dry naturally.

If washing in a washing machine is possible, set the temperature to 30 degrees and turn off the spin cycle.

Smoothing the jacket

It is possible that after cleaning, abrasions will appear on the surface. Don't be upset about this. They are painted over with special paint for leatherette clothing.

Love and take care of your things and they will last you a long time!

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