How to paint leatherette

Brown dermantineThings made of artificial leather are becoming reliable companions in our lives. But over time, many of them lose their appearance. Objects that are still strong and durable become unattractive: the paint is worn and faded. This is not a reason to give up your usual things! Painting will give them a second life.

We'll tell you how you can dye faux leather items at home.

How to paint leatherette at home

The result of painting leatherette at home largely depends on the products used for this. The work can be done using different materials.

Bottles with shoe impregnation

If you only need to slightly restore certain places on a bag or jacket, you can use products designed for shoes. Small bottles of shoe impregnation are quite convenient. A sponge attached to the bottle, soaking in its contents, reliably paints problem areas.If there is no such sponge on the bottle, you can use a brush or make a tampon for impregnation yourself.

Important! Painting leatherette with shoe impregnation will be of better quality and durability when applied in 2 layers, with a 30-minute break for absorption.

Special paints for artificial leather

Processing a leatherette jacketDesigned to renew the skin, such paints penetrate deeply into the structure and provide reliable coloring of the material. At the same time, things become protected from moisture and retain the ability to pass air.

They are convenient in aerosol packaging, as well as when using a spray gun, sponge or brush.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints provide good results not only for restoring individual abrasions, but also for completely repainting leatherette items. They are interesting not only for their varied colors, but also for their qualities.

Acrylic is a flexible material that can stretch. Thanks to this, paints protect things from cracking. To work you will need a brush or sponge.

Important! When the paint thickens, you can return it to the required consistency using acetone. You need to add 2-3 drops to it and mix thoroughly.

Choosing paint for leatherette

Before and after paintingBuying a product for coloring artificial leather is easy. This can be done at different retail outlets.

Hardware stores

In hardware stores you can purchase professional paints intended for artificial leather, as well as acrylic dyes.

Handicraft stores

Products in small packages can be found in craft stores. They offer a variety of colors of acrylic paints, small containers with special dyes for natural and artificial leather.Handicraft salons also offer chalk paints. They will be of interest to those who want not only to paint the upholstery of leatherette furniture, but also to make it stylish, specially giving it an aged look.

Shoe stores

In stores or departments that sell shoes, you can choose an impregnation for shoes, which is also suitable for updating other leatherette items.

All these products will ensure high-quality painting of artificial leather.

Preparing things for painting

Painting leatheretteThe material must be cleaned before painting. If there is a layer (even invisible to the eye) of dust and dirt between the surface of the item and the dye, the layers of paint will move away from the material and cracks will appear.

The procedure for preparing leatherette for painting:

  • Cleaning. To clean artificial leather, you need to treat it with soapy water and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Perform the work with a cotton napkin or sponge.
  • Degreasing. Using a swab or sponge soaked in an alcohol solution, wipe the item again, removing any remaining dirt.

Important! After cleaning, work with artificial leather only with gloves, so as not to leave traces of stains on the cleaned surface; they may appear during dyeing.

  • Drying. Before painting, make sure that the leatherette is completely dry.

Important! Allow items to dry naturally, without using heating devices or heaters, which may cause deformation of the material.

Paint a bag or suitcase

Cleaning a leatherette bagHave you been wanting to update your bag or suitcase? Don't delay, but start making your desires come true!

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • Paint (we recommend using acrylic).
  • Acetone for dilution.
  • Items for applying dye (brush, sponge).
  • Items for working with paint (palette).
  • Gloves for work.

Advice! If you don't have a special palette (or a palette from a children's painting kit), you can replace it with regular aluminum baking foil.

Carefully read the instructions for painting leatherette items. Doing the job according to these tips will help you get a good result.

  • Prepare the bag for painting by thoroughly cleaning and drying its surface.
  • Prepare the paint. Apply some paint to the palette or foil. It shouldn't be thick. To dilute, use acetone.

Important! Please note that acrylic dries quickly. Do not squeeze a large amount of paint onto the palette at once; it is better to add it as needed.

  • Mix the squeezed out paint with a brush or sponge.
  • Start painting. Try to apply the dye evenly, in long strokes.
  • Once completely dyed, leave the bag to dry. This will take 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Apply 2nd coat. If you are not completely satisfied with the result, after the 2nd layer has dried, you can paint it again.
  • Let the bag dry on its own; do not place it near heating appliances.

Tips for painting leatherette items

  • Eco leather coloringPay attention to the specific type of faux leather the items you want to paint are made from. Get acquainted with the features of caring for this type of material.
  • Carefully read the instructions for use of the selected dye and strictly follow its instructions.
  • Do some preliminary testing before painting. Select a small part of the leatherette and test the dye on it. This will ensure that the material does not experience any unwanted reactions when interacting with the dye.Allow the painted area to dry completely to see the final color.

How to care for dyed items

To ensure that the appearance of a painted item brings pleasure for a long time, you need to follow simple rules for caring for painted leatherette.

Timely cleaning

Eco-leather coloring agentsAll contaminants should be removed from the painted material, not leaving even minimal ones unattended. For cleaning, use a damp cloth or sponge. You can use a soap solution, which is then thoroughly washed off with clean water.


Wet faux leather items need to be dried thoroughly. For this purpose, items of clothing are hung on hangers and given shape. Shoes can be stuffed with old newspapers. The bag is emptied of things, hung and shaped, for which you can also use paper.

Leatherette things will continue to delight you! You have already appreciated their practicality. And with the help of our article, you can paint artificial leather to restore the attractive appearance of your favorite bag, jacket or comfortable shoes!

Reviews and comments
L Lyudmila:

I tried acrylic paint. Doesn't want to go to bed at all. Does not paint over, spreads out in a thin, uneven layer. Perhaps it matters what kind of leatherette it is. I have a thin coating on the fabric, smooth and shiny, like oilcloth.I asked about the cans in the store, the salesman laughed and advised me not to bother with nonsense, as it wouldn’t last.


