What is composite leather in a bag

It is well known that bags made from natural materials are valued much higher than those made from artificial ones. However, consumers interested in the composition of the product every now and then see the phrase “composite leather” and wonder what kind of material this is and is it natural?

What is composite leather

composite leather in a bag
If we briefly describe the process of its production, it is compressed waste from leather production. Since they are made of leather, the material thus obtained can be called natural.

It can be produced using the following technologies:

  • the final fabric is created by gluing together small pieces of leather remaining at the end of the production process;
  • the material without the use of an adhesive base is subjected to high pressure under a press, resulting in the formation of a single whole;
  • Tanning residues are heated in water and then rolled into canvas on special rollers.

Reference! As a rule, leather scraps and strips remaining after dressing are used to make it; products not suitable for subsequent consumption and restoration (except for shoes); as well as tanning dust, powder and flour used to create the effect of artificial suede.

Features of bags made of composite leather

composition leather
This material can easily be processed in any way, including painting, polishing, varnishing and metallization, so its appearance does not differ from ordinary leather products. However, its significant disadvantage is lower strength properties, wetness and decreased quality at temperatures below 15 degrees. That is why manufacturers are not recommended to make bags entirely from pressed leather. To reduce cost without compromising consumer features, the inside of bags and their handles are made from this material.

Differences between genuine leather and composite leather

differences between genuine leather and composite
Despite the fact that the composite material can be called natural, it is less breathable and has virtually no stretch, and also has a shorter service life.

But, as was said earlier, it is best to purchase bags made using the pressed method not completely, but only partially. In this case, you will receive a product that does not differ in its characteristics from all-natural products, neither externally nor functionally, and at the same time you will save significantly.

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