Designers donate patterns of branded outfits

Soviet ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, People's Artist of the RSFSR, who moved to Canada many decades ago, is today founder of the Anima house, which develops jewelry. Recently, on his telegram channel, he announced that his project had launched a unique promotion. A platform was launched on which recognized artists and designers from all over the world share patterns and detailed recommendations for sewing dresses from the collections.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

"New Year" project

The ideological mastermind of the program said that it was developed especially for telegram portal Osd. Baryshnikov said that only those masters participate in the project whom he himself loves and considers to be the most talented.

“This project is a real gift, a unique and affordable opportunity to receive an object of contemporary design art from the very best.”

The author of the idea believes that every girl deserves to celebrate a wonderful holiday in a chic outfit. Patterns are the most expensive thing that recognized masters have. Mikhail Baryshnikov admitted that until recently he did not believe in the success of the idea. Fortunately, everything worked out, and numerous readers have already received patterns from famous costume makers.

Dress from the Belik brand


First models

The Belik brand, led by designer Maria Belik, became the first, who provided their own patterns. She gave the channel's readers drawings of a dress she created for her debut collection.

This is an original product with a stand-up collar and a high slit. Sexy and provocative. It is noteworthy that the designer offers not only drawings. The brand team also provides the reader with recommendations for cutting and assembling a dress, measuring fabrics and purchasing by meter.

The full list of designers has not yet been disclosed. This will be a New Year's surprise for channel readers. Each girl will be able to shine on a festive night, adding individuality to her costume.

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