Israel is the first country in the world to ban the sale of fur

Fashion is undergoing major changes. The clothes of the future should look completely different than what we are used to now. The principle of eco-responsibility dominates most people todaywho want to protect the planet and make it clean.

Israel has banned the use of natural fur

The fight for environmental friendliness

Long years Israel fought with the use of real fur when sewing clothes. For 12 years, animal rights activists have fought to save the lives of thousands of fur-bearing animals. And finally, this moment has come. In June 2021, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Gila Gamliel signed a Decree that extends the ban to fur.

Even in warm Israel, some citizens prefer to wear products made from natural fur. Now such luxury is not available to them, although there are exceptions.

Israel has banned the use of real fur

Experience of other countries

Let us note that although Israel became the first to refuse the use of fur, similar decrees had already existed in different parts of the planet. Eg, in 2019, the state of California abandoned the use of natural fur.

Some luxury brands have completely moved away from using fur in their clothing. One of them was Valentino. In Copenhagen, fashion week was moved online and the display of items made from the skins of wild animals was prohibited.

The PETA organization, which positions itself as defenders of the rights and struggle for the lives of animals, as always commented on the situation, calling a spade a spade. “This historic victory will protect animals from being cruelly killed for their skin.”

Israel has banned the use of real fur

Deviation from the rules

But the ban is still not completely in effect. The fact is that in Israel, Orthodox citizens wear hats made of sable skin. This only happens during religious ceremonies., Shabbat and other holidays. The cost of such hats is up to five thousand dollars. However, this does not scare true believers.

Sewing fur hats is allowed in the country, but for this a person will have to obtain a special permit. In addition, the use of natural fur allowed for scientific and educational experiments.

Sable hats in religious ceremonies

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