Anti-valgus shoes for children

Very often, the cause of all types of deformities of a child’s foot is one thing - underdevelopment of tendons or muscles. As a result, various disorders arise: hallux valgus, clubfoot, flatfoot. Very often this is provoked by the baby’s parents themselves, putting him on his feet when the child’s ligaments and muscles are not yet ready for this.

According to statistics, hallux valgus has become very common recently. However, making such a diagnosis is not a death sentence. With the help of specially selected orthopedic shoes, curvature of the foot can be eliminated. The most important thing in this case is to contact an orthopedist in time. Then start using the recommended anti-valgus shoes.

Valgus deformity

Why do you need anti-valgus shoes and does it help?

Hallux valgus is an X-shaped curvature of children's feet. It is quite simple to identify and establish such a diagnosis.If, when walking, the baby does not place his foot completely on the entire foot, but rolls it inward, with the heels and toes pointing upward, then it can be argued that the baby has a valgus deformity of the ankle.

During long walks, the legs of children suffering from this defect begin to experience fatigue, discomfort, painful sensations may occur, and the foot begins to swell. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult an orthopedic doctor in time and start wearing corrective shoes.

Important! If you do not start treating hallux valgus on time, then in the future it will only be possible to cope with it with the help of surgery!

Anti-valgus shoes are specially designed models of orthopedic shoes. When wearing such boots, the lower leg and foot are fixed in an anatomically correct position.

If you wear such boots or shoes regularly, the foot begins to “remember” the necessary and correct position. Further deformation process stops.

Anti-valgus sandals

In addition, anti-valgus boots help reduce stress on the knee joints and spinal column.

Indications for use are:

  • flat feet;
  • valgus deformity of the ankle and foot;
  • leg paresis and other deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

The main characteristics are:

  • the presence of a high and rigid ankle. This ensures reliable fixation of the leg in an anatomically correct position;
  • removable orthopedic insole. It provides the necessary alignment of the arch of the baby’s foot;
  • the boots have a soft lining. This is necessary so that the baby’s leg is comfortable;
  • Thomas' special heel. It has a height limit and an air shock absorber. This heel is longer on the inside.This is necessary to prevent the foot from turning inward;
  • wide front;
  • the sole is elastic, but at the same time light;
  • boots are made from genuine leather;
  • high arch support. The arch support must have a convexity that will completely replicate the anatomy of the child’s leg.

If you wear anti-valgus shoes regularly, you can significantly improve the condition of children's feet and prevent further development of the disease:

  • the ankle joints stop being subject to deformation and after some time take on an anatomically correct position;
  • boots prevent fatigue in the legs;
  • When walking, all discomfort disappears.

Children's orthopedic shoes

Requirements for orthopedic shoes for children

Many people mistakenly assume that orthopedic shoes have an unsightly appearance and will hinder the baby’s movements. In fact, anti-valgus boots do not differ in appearance from ordinary ones. At the same time, they provide the necessary comfort for a child’s foot and do not interfere with outdoor games.

When purchasing orthopedic boots or shoes for children, you must comply with the following basic requirements:

  • sock. It should be loose so as not to squeeze children's fingers. The correct width of the sock will ensure the necessary anatomical position for the baby's toes. However, they should not be too wide;
  • heel. It is an indispensable part of correct corrective shoes. In orthopedic boots it is wide, has a special shape and is limited in height. In addition to the fact that the heel prevents the foot from falling inward, it provides additional stability and helps the baby maintain balance;
  • backdrop The rear end is always high, closed and rigid.Using the backdrop, the required fixation in an anatomically correct position is achieved;
  • fasteners There should be a lot of them. With their help, the ankle is firmly fixed in the desired position. Considering that corrective shoes are always high, the fasteners should go all the way to the top;
  • sole. The best option is rubber. The sole must have sufficient flexibility, be light, stable and non-slippery.

Orthopedic shoes

How to choose anti-valgus shoes for a child

Before buying orthopedic shoes for your baby, you should consult with an orthopedic doctor. Only he can give the right recommendations.

When purchasing you need to consider:

  • shoes must be made with high quality;
  • material of manufacture - always soft genuine leather;
  • the ideal sole is elastic with good shock absorption;
  • You can’t buy corrective shoes for growth, since the shoes must tightly fix the ankle;
  • a mandatory element is a hard backdrop. If the shoes are open, the foot will begin to fidget. This will lead to even greater deformation.

Important! When purchasing shoes, you should bend your shoes. At the same time, their back part should retain rigidity, and the front part should bend easily.

Thomas's heel

How to wear orthopedic shoes correctly

Corrective shoes should be worn as long as recommended by the attending orthopedic surgeon. They do not require constant wearing. You can only wear orthopedic shoes or boots outside. In this case, you can wear slippers or socks at home. This is necessary for additional training of the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. Otherwise, the child’s legs begin to get used to permanent fixation and the treatment becomes passive.

Important! LTreatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal joint can take more than one year.Therefore, it is extremely important to bring your baby for preventive examinations on time.

Anti-valgus boots

In addition to timely visits to doctors, you need to buy the right shoes for your baby, which take into account the anatomical features of the child’s foot. If parents notice the slightest hint of a possible ankle deformity, they should immediately contact a specialist. Comprehensive and timely treatment will help cure hallux valgus and prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system in the future.

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