Autolady to help. Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

Driving safety depends not only on theoretical knowledge and practical skills. An important role is played by the shoes that are worn on the driver’s foot, because comfort is necessary when pressing the pedal. This helps to avoid many accidents on the road.

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

Many people don't even realize that shoes have a huge impact on driving safety. In the UK, for example, about 1 million accidents occur every year for this reason. The foot may become numb, slip, or not feel one hundred percent of the pedal at all, causing the force of pressing on it to be impaired. And in emergency cases, this circumstance can even lead to death as a result of an accident.

In some countries there is even a law punishing drivers for wearing the “wrong” shoes, which is quite fair. For example, driving barefoot is prohibited in the state of Alabama in the USA, Hong Kong, and Belgium. In Baku, there are fines for driving in flip-flops. In Spain and France, fines ranging from 90 to 200 euros have been introduced for this.

The most suitable types of shoes for use in a car are:

1. Sneakers and sneakers. Sports shoes are considered the most comfortable both for everyday wear and for wearing them while driving a car. Some girls and women also prefer to wear them as replacement shoes, and then change into high-heeled shoes. But for safety reasons, it is best to avoid sneakers and boots.

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

2. Moccasins and ballet shoes. They are one of the most comfortable options for a car. This also includes slippers and espadrilles.

3. Open sandals. They are acceptable to wear. However, you should be careful to ensure that your foot does not jump out of them. If there is such a threat, then they should be abandoned. It is also important to pay attention to the sole: it should not be too thin. It is best to choose those options where the heel is fixed.Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

4. Boots and shoes are possible. However, only if they have a thin and flexible sole. High lacing should be avoided because it compresses the leg, which impairs blood circulation and deteriorates the sensitivity of the foot. If the sole is hard, then you have to make a lot of effort to bend your leg. It's also dangerous. High heels are prone to loosening and breaking.

It is important that boots or boots are not too narrow as this will prevent your leg from bending while driving. It is also better to use shoes made of natural material, since synthetics do not allow the foot to “breathe”. Short boots can also cause discomfort. They interfere with easy flexion at the ankle, which limits leg mobility.

5. Pumps with heels up to 5 cm. This option is much better than no heels at all. The small heel allows the foot to bend very smoothly.Here it is important to pay attention to the stability of the heel and sole. It is better to be tall but stable than small and shaky. It is recommended to exclude shoes with cork platforms from the list of those that can be used for driving. You should also exclude wedge shoes.

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

6. Car shoes. In Europe, leading fashion houses have been developing special driving shoes for a long time. Among them:

  • car moccasins from Italian manufacturers Cesare Paciotti, Aldo Brue, Ganfranco Ferre, Alberto Guardiani;
  • leather slippers from Ganfranco Ferre. Their peculiarity is that the sole includes rubber linings, which also extend to the heel area. This makes pressing the pedal more comfortable;
  • shoes from Cesare Paciotti. It is made entirely of rubber, and this makes the sole flexible, which makes it easier for any movement of the foot while driving;
  • shoes from Aldo Brue. It is strewn with small holes that provide ventilation during the hot season. However, its disadvantage is its low quality; it is worn for only one season (in rare cases, two).

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

On the one hand, you can always immediately select shoes suitable for driving a car. It is better to give preference to one hundred percent safe options. But if there is no opportunity to wear it and you plan to use shoes that do not meet the reliability criteria, then it is recommended to change your shoes in the car. It takes very little time, but ensures safety while driving.

It is also possible to purchase a special mat at a car store. It has recesses of more than two centimeters for the heel.

Rating of the most comfortable shoes for girls driving

Careful attention to shoes when driving a car is very important, because not only the safety of drivers, but also pedestrians depends on it. Feet should be kept in maximum comfort in cases of rapid response. Therefore, before you get behind the wheel, you should think through your wardrobe several times.

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