How to wear ankle boots

how to wear ankle boots Boots are a special type of high lace-up boots. Initially they were created as shoes for military personnel, but gradually they began to be used not only in the army. Strong and reliable products were needed by skiers, climbers, and representatives of extreme sports. And then they even became an expressive detail of a woman’s fashionable image.

Shoe Features

The main requirement that was initially presented to such boots was their strength. To ensure this, manufacturers use rough leather for shoes. This has become one of the reasons for the unpleasant moments associated with ankle boots: they often rub the legs. Another reason is the incorrect selection of shoes.

Regardless of the cause, The actual question is: how to soften the skin or wear shoes in order to rid your feet of wounds.

To get rid of chafing, there are two main actions that you will have to perform with your shoes. The boots need to be broken in, and the material from which they are made needs to be made softer.
We'll tell you how to make these manipulations effective.

How to wear ankle boots

There are several ways to help break apart boots.

Using insoles

insolesInsoles will be especially useful if your boots are a little big.

IMPORTANT! Even if there is very little free space, the leg will be mobile. Repeated contact with the boot leather leads to chafing.

The area around the back seam is especially problematic. That's why a wound appears above the heel.

  • It is necessary to buy thick insoles, the size of which is larger than required.
  • They are inserted into shoes, starting from the toe, and carefully distributed inside the shoe.
  • The excess insole rises up the heel of the shoe and thus covers the seam.

Now, having put on the ankle boots, it is possible to secure the foot firmly, and walking in them does not cause the same inconvenience.


A sock becomes another protection for the foot. You will need a thick wool sock, or two cotton ones.. The principle and purposes of its use are the same as those of insoles. The boots are worn with thick socks so that the material stretches during use and the skin of the legs suffers less.



You can keep your foot tightly in the boot using lacing. Only it should be quite dense, tight enough so that the foot does not move and rub against the hard skin.


Advice! If you take off your shoes without untying your shoes, the lace will become loose. Without proper fixation, you are more likely to chafe the skin of your feet.

How to soften shoe material at home

To speed up the process of softening the material, you can additionally influence it.

Alcohol based solution

how to softenA liquid based on alcohol is suitable for this. This could be cologne, alcohol tinctures, vodka solution, etc.

  • The liquid is applied to the inside of the boot leather. Moisten as much as possible.
  • You can also apply it to your socks.
  • Then they put on the ankle boots and walk in them for a while until they dry completely.

Mechanical impact

The usual, proven method will also help. The skin is literally broken by tapping the most problematic areas.

Advice! Use a wooden mallet. And when working with a metal tool, wrap it in a cloth. This will help maintain the quality of the leather but make it softer.

Effect of temperature

Some shoe owners successfully use heat treatment of leather.


The material is heated (steam from a kettle, hairdryer, steamer). Without allowing the boots to cool down, they are put on thick socks and walked like this for some time.. Under the influence of heat, the skin will become less rough and tough. Moreover, it will stretch faster, repeating the shape of the foot.


You can use another option - exposure to cold, more precisely, ice water.

You need to insert a strong cellophane bag into the shoe. The bag is filled with water, making sure that the bag fills the entire interior space of the shoe. In this form, the shoes are sent to the freezer. Then the laws of physics will come into play. The water will freeze and require more volume, so when it turns into ice, it will stretch the skin.

How to choose ankle boots so they don't chafe

how to chooseUsing these methods, you will be able to break apart the ankle boots. But this will take some time, during which you will have to endure inconvenience. Will help reduce discomfort choosing the right shoes.

  • When purchasing, try on a thick wool sock.
  • If you don’t have such a sock when trying on, choose those that are 1 size larger than you need.
  • Give preference to trusted manufacturers who will ensure the quality of materials and products as a whole.

Now you know how to stretch ankle boots, making them not only practical, but also comfortable to use. And most importantly, you can protect your feet from wounds, abrasions and abrasions even with prolonged use of the products. All the methods that we talked about were tested in practice and really helped in working with ankle boots. We hope your shoes become comfortable too!

Reviews and comments
P Petro:

Why take 1 size larger? I did this, and now no matter how tightly you lace, your foot still moves inside the shoe and rubs above the heel, even though I took insoles!


