Sandals with white soles: what to wear, list of looks for girls and women

Sandals with white soles

Sandals with white soles never cease to be fashionable and popular. They create an original image that attracts the eye, makes passersby turn around, and gives confidence in their attractiveness. With these shoes you can easily create the right and fashionable look.

White sole, its features

Shoes with white soles don't just look attractive. It adds elegance. And various options for such shoes help women create individual and unique looks.

I would like to be the first to mention the black sandals with a white platform. The color contrast plays into the hands of the owner of such shoes, because the product immediately becomes presentable and original. By choosing the right clothes you can create an elegant and beautiful image.

How to choose sandals

Sandals with white soles - photo

When choosing sandals, you should pay attention to many details. Everything is important: convenience, quality, color. The height of the heel or platform matters.It is important to understand that in order for the chosen sandals to please not only the eyes, but also the feet, you should take care of comfort. In addition, you should choose sandals according to size; smaller ones will rub, and larger ones will slip and cause discomfort.

Color solution

Today sandals are presented in different colors. You can choose quite bright, elegant or, on the contrary, discreet and modest models. It all depends on what the girl or woman prefers.

If we are talking about a festive event, then it would be appropriate to give preference to shoes with decorative elements. If we are talking about a business meeting, then the shoes should also match and not have excesses.

Sandals with a white platform but a blue, red or black top will add sophistication and originality.

Models in multi-colored shades or with floral prints look unusual and elegant.

White sole - how to care

In order for sandals with white soles to please you for as long as possible, they need to be carefully looked after. It’s very good that the white sole is most often made of polyurethane, which repels dust and dirt.

Tips for every day:

  1. The upper of sandals is most often made of leather or suede. The skin does not require special care, it is not afraid of moisture.
  2. As for suede, you should clean it with brushes or foam rubber, but be very careful when doing so.
  3. Silicone products can be washed or wiped with a damp sponge.

Creating an original image

Sandals with white soles look very interesting with trousers and a shirt. Also a good combination would be to use a midi skirt or a sweater with short sleeves.

A business look can be complemented with suits, but in this case the sandals must have a closed toe. Jeans, tunic, leggings will complement your everyday look.

Black sandals with white soles can be combined with the same black and white clothes.

For lovers of boho style, sandals with floral prints and white soles are perfect, in addition to multi-colored items with fringes or tassels.

Stylist tips

Many girls do not select compositions very well, and therefore stylists advise:

  1. Clothes and shoes should be similar in color and style.
  2. A business image should not contain pretentious components.
  3. Be sure to add accessories to your look. These include glasses, a bag and a scarf or headdress. It all depends on style and preference.

To summarize, I would like to note that white platform sandals have been popular for a long time. They are chosen by both young girls and older women. The main thing is to correctly combine clothes with shoe models. If something doesn’t work out, you can always seek help, hints or advice from a specialist, such as a stylist or fashion critic.

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