Boots and low shoes difference

Not every shoe fits every suit or look. To choose the right model you need to know the features of the product. After all, in the store you can find a wide variety of options, different lengths, materials, colors. Not everyone knows the difference between boots and low shoes, and what they can be worn with. How to distinguish such shoes?

What is the difference between boots and low shoes

On store shelves you can find both boots and low shoes. Such shoes are most often relevant in the autumn and spring seasons. It is comfortable to wear and goes well with different looks. It is not cold in mild frosts. And also models made of genuine leather can be safely worn in rainy weather.

Description of boots

bootsBoots are women's and men's shoes made of leather, suede or leatherette. They are worn in cold weather; for the summer it is very difficult to find such models, unless they are made to order.
The main feature of the boots is that they completely cover the ankle. The maximum length of the product is up to the shin. If the shoes are even higher, then they are already boots.

These models have a compacted sole, lacing or zipper closure, and Velcro. There are options with rubber inserts on the sides. The sole can be completely flat or perforated. Due to the compacted bottom, the product does not get wet and provides comfortable wear when walking.
The insulated lining allows you to wear the shoes in cold weather. Due to the thin lining, the foot breathes and does not sweat. The elongated upper allows you to warm the foot and ankle completely.

Women's boots can be worn with jeans, a dress, or a suit. Men's models are worn under trousers and jeans. More classic colors are available. However, you can find bright, extraordinary solutions.

Description of low shoes

low shoesLow shoes are practical shoes, available for summer and mid-season. Its height does not reach the ankle a little. This is how it got its name. Usually such a product is also called shoes. They can be laced or completely closed without additional inserts.
Such models do not have a warm lining, so they are most often worn in warm weather. Made from suede, nubuck, leather. You can also find varnish options.
Men's low shoes are usually worn with classic suits. Girls wear low shoes under a dress/skirt, suit, or pants.
In stores you can find a wide variety of models of low shoes. They have different colors and designs.

Fundamental differences

The main difference between boots and low shoes is the length of the product. The first ones should be above the ankle, while the second ones barely reach it.

The sole in the first version is thicker and denser. Low shoes have a thin, non-embossed sole. In addition, they can have a high heel, while boots most often have a small thick heel.

Low shoes are worn with classic business suits. Boots can be worn under knitted clothes, jeans or loose pants.

Another significant difference is that the first option is made only for cold seasons. The second shoe option can be found for both summer and autumn/spring.

Boots most often have a zipper, lacing or Velcro. Shoes are produced only with lacing or completely solid without additional decor.
Insulated high-top shoe models are available in classic colors (black, white, brown, dark blue). Summer and demi-season shoes can be found in various colors. They can be chosen to suit any look.

Boots and low shoes have significant differences between themselves. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake and choose the right shoes, you need to know what the differences are and what you can wear with this or that model. After all, it depends on whether yours will be warm and whether your shoes will fit the created image.

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