How to lace up your boots correctly

In most cases, the boots are worn by athletes. In professional equipment, every detail plays a big role. The results of competitions often depend on properly laced shoes.

How to lace up your cleats

It must be remembered that the instep surface of properly laced boots must be perfectly flat. There should be no protruding nodes. The knot should be located on the outside of the shoe, preferably as close to the sole as possible.

Why is it important

lacing boots

Proper lacing ensures reliable positioning and fixation of the athlete’s foot. Not only how long the shoes will last, but also a person’s personal comfort depends on this. The outcome of the game can depend on such an important nuance as lacing the boots. After all, when hitting the ball, some protruding knot can seriously change the trajectory of the ball.

IMPORTANT! There are cases when improperly laced shoes lead to falls, concussions, fractures, dislocations and other serious injuries to athletes.

What will you need besides boots and laces, why?

In addition to the shoes themselves and laces, you will also need two felt tongues. His experienced trainers recommend placing boots under the lacing. This gives additional protection to the ankle from possible damage in contact sports such as football and others.


There are special patterns that will make tying your shoelaces much easier and faster. Mobile application developers have also shown themselves in this matter, creating special programs with pictures and instructions.

REFERENCE! To stand out from the crowd, many athletes come up with their own methods of tying shoelaces.

How to lace

lacing methods

There are many options for lacing boots. Let's look at the most popular types:

  • Classic way. This type is the simplest and most popular. First, the lace is threaded through two holes at the bottom, and the two upper ends join to form two parts equal in length. Next, each tip is threaded in a zigzag: the right one into the next left hole, and the left one into the next right hole. This alternation is observed until the very end;
  • The mesh lacing is particularly durable. Even if the lace breaks in one place, the entire lacing is not destroyed. Start the process with the second row of holes from the bottom. The lace should not be threaded through each row, but through one. Then, having reached the end, they begin to thread them to the bottom into special holes. In appearance, this pattern resembles a grid;
  • Direct method. In this form, the main thing is to ensure that there are no intersecting lines. First, the lace is passed through the top pair of holes. This way the knot will be on the bottom. The ends of the lace lead inside the product. The left end is pulled along the entire length and released from the lower left grommet.The lace, passing through all the holes one by one, should look like a rectangle.


From the variety of lacing types, you need to choose the most optimal one. To do this, it is better to consult with a trainer, practice doing different options and then choose the most suitable method of fast and effective lacing.

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