When will the shoe microchipping law come into force?

One of the problems of shoe manufacturers is the presence of a large number of fakes on the market. Chipping products can solve this problem.

Chip application

When will the law come into force?

The experiment on chipping shoes in Russia began in the early summer of 2018. Until mid-2019, this procedure is advisory and voluntary. However, from July 1, every market participant must use control marks forcibly. The Directive applies to:

  • manufacturers;
  • importers;
  • wholesale and retail trade points.

REFERENCE! At the initial stage, all codes are generated free of charge; penalties will not be imposed until the summer of 2019.

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ATTENTION! The share of counterfeit shoes in Russia is about 40%, and more than 30% of products imported from abroad are smuggled.

Reading information from the chip

What kind of shoes will be marked?

The presence of markings will be the main sign that the item was manufactured legally and exported legally. Thanks to this, counterfeit goods will be almost completely removed from the market. There are no product range exceptions. The law applies to both leather shoes and products made from textiles, rubber and other materials. Chips will allow customers to receive reliable information about the product, including:

  • Name;
  • material used in manufacturing;
  • country of origin and manufacturer;
  • intermediaries involved in implementation;
  • features of use; place and date of receipt;
  • certification.

IMPORTANT! The control character is formed in the form of a two-dimensional barcode of the DataMatrix type. They plan to apply it to the outside of the box. Each market participant will be able to choose the mounting location independently.

Marking on the box

Putting chips on shoes is one of the most discussed topics in 2019. Some suppliers and manufacturers hope to benefit significantly from the innovation, while others will simply be forced to leave the market. The marking will be characterized by information coverage and a high level of security.

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