What can her shoes tell about a woman? Psychology of style

Did you know that back in 2012, scientists conducted a study and proved the connection between character and... your favorite pair of shoes. Curious to know what your favorite shoes can say about you? Let's read!

The character of a woman and her preferences in choosing shoes

Don't shrug your shoulders skeptically. After all, you will not argue with the statement that the outfit depends on the character of the woman and vice versa − in a business suit we will have a completely different inner mood than in sportswear. The same can be said about shoes, which often “give a woman away.”

lilac-yellow shoesHeels or a solid sole, or maybe a wedge? Black or beige? And if bright, what kind? Many people often struggle with similar questions. And they believe that they choose shoes solely for their outfit. But this is not entirely true. You can choose different shoes to match your outfit.

And where the dress code is quite strict, there is room for flights of fancy and the opportunity to express yourself, even if the rules require you to wear strict classic shoes.After all, these can be shoes with buckles (large or not), with a thin stiletto heel or a thick and stable heel. Which toe shape of black shoes will you choose? Will these be deep, almost autumnal shoes, or ordinary pumps? Varnish? Suede? Smooth leather? You see how many nuances...

One’s individuality can be deeply hidden only by wearing a military uniform, where everyone is given the same shoes. Although, as far as I remember, even there you can come up with something, because being different from others is a necessity for a woman.

Revealing character traits with the help of details

You've probably wondered, looking at your own shoes, why exactly did you choose them? Let's delve into the details and carefully consider every little detail. Just be aware in advance that we will talk about the shoes that you are more accustomed to wearing and more comfortable. Do not take into account the shoes that you wear several times a year “out”.

What does love for heels mean?

heelsWhy do women endure inconvenience but still wear heels? And not just heels, but very high heels! You've probably already answered this question for yourself: Such women will always attract attention. A high heel makes the legs “from the ears”, the gait “from the hips”, the height - higher.

The woman rises above the others, feels confident (or tries to seem so). If the shoe rack contains mostly heels - you prefer to be the center of attention and give the impression of a confident lady who knows her worth. I note that girls often choose such shoes precisely for this reason - to prove themselves. For mature ladies, high heels are not so important for self-realization.

Interesting! American researchers noted that lovers of cheap shoes are mostly liberal in views, and ladies who prefer expensive brands are, as a rule, Republicans.

What if you prefer not to wear heels?

without heelThose who are naturally tall and have long legs don’t really need heels. Not about that now. After all, girls of both medium and small stature can neglect heels. As psychologists say, ladies who prefer flat-soled shoes quite authoritative among friends and colleagues, their opinions are listened to, their advice is valued. Often such ladies have a soft and accommodating character. They will not try to stand out at the expense of others and are always trustworthy.

Sports style - what does it mean?

The choice in favor of sneakers or sneakers says that their owner appreciates comfort. She is always on the move, always “in action.” Such a lady is not distracted by trifles. She is an integral person, purposeful and always ready for action.

Uggs are my favorite shoe

ugg bootsSuch beauties are aware of the latest fashion trends, but they have their own style and their own view of fashion. They prefer comfort and convenience, are balanced, have a calm, easy-going character. Psychologists believe that such ladies have their own opinion on everything, although they will not necessarily prove it in a loud dispute. They’ll just quietly but firmly do everything their own way.

What do they say about a boot lover?

bootsIf these are not just boots, but over the knee boots, then their owner is confident and prudent. Such a lady is not characterized by romanticism and gentleness. She ready to “cut from the shoulder” and it is difficult to persuade her to compromise, be it work or personal relationships.

Girls who prefer ankle boots, as a rule, have a cheerful and easy-going character. They They are funny and sociable, but they are characterized by some superficiality. Sometimes such ladies are thrown into extremes - from a strict and unapproachable business lady to a cheerful girlfriend. It’s as if they don’t really know what to decide (what height of boots to choose, for example). And if the boots are patent leather, then before us is not a woman, but a whirlwind of emotions, outfits, faces. It is unstable, like water, but it is so easy and pleasant.

If he wears a wedge?

wedge heelFirst, let's decide which one - high, low or medium. It is noticed that romantic young ladies choose low wedge heels. These are very sensitive natures, vulnerable and making a tragedy out of a trifle. However, they often also easily forget grievances. And such ladies are pleasant and interesting conversationalists. But you shouldn’t demand strong-willed decisions from a lover of such shoes: she won’t understand.

Medium wedge heels are chosen by practical people. Most often, they know what they want and calmly go towards the goal. However, such shoes can also be chosen by an insecure lady who prefers to “get lost in the crowd.” Understanding who is in front of you is not so easy. You need to compare other details to get the full picture.

Women on high wedges are somewhat frivolous and flighty. Sometimes this sole option is preferred by middle-aged ladies who have reached a certain status and exude self-confidence, seasoned even with some harshness. But these ladies have a practical mind and will never get angry over trifles for a long time - this is not their style.

What can you tell about a woman by the color of her favorite shoes?

Oh, of course, we choose shoes to match the dress! What influence of character on the shade of shoes can we talk about? But in reality, everything is truly interconnected.Even the black color required in the classic dress code can be matte, shiny, powdered... The bright color of the shoes will “give you away” even more. So:

  1. different shoe colorsGirls who prefer red shoes are impulsive, ambitious, impetuous.
  2. Ladies who like yellow or orange shoes are often impatient, prefer action, and do not like to be in one place for a long time - be it work or relationships. However, they are creative and purposeful, they know what they want.
  3. They say that creative ladies may also prefer blue shoes to any other. But this color is for romantic natures. They are artists and thinkers, their world is measured and sublime.
  4. Black or white shoes are chosen by solid natures. These are classic colors that will fit into any wardrobe. Therefore, such ladies are also practical. But if a girl constantly wears exclusively black shoes, she is most likely afraid of change. Her life is measured and comfortable simply because it is familiar.
  5. Green shoes are preferred by cautious ladies. They never act recklessly; they always weigh the pros and cons.
  6. Beige or brown shoes are worn by practical ladies who are not alien to the desire to stand out. But they do this not through eccentricity, but attract attention with elegance and charm.

I hope that now you have learned a little more about yourself and your friends. Just don’t take these observations as the “ultimate truth.” Psychology is a subtle science; it is woven from many threads. Don't pay attention to just one of the details. Women are multifaceted, changeable and unpredictable creatures!

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