Instructions for using Formidron for shoes

The thermoregulation system of a healthy person can be called perfect. The unpleasant odor of sweat does not accompany the process of its secretion, but appears later and is a sign of active reproduction of pathogenic organisms. That is why medications aimed at solving a delicate problem have antiseptic properties. Among the products that specifically destroy bacteria and fungi on the skin, Formidron stands out.

What is Formidron?

formidronThis combined action drug in the form of a solution for external use. The liquid is colorless, does not leave stains on clothes and shoes, does not affect their shade and has a pleasant, persistent odor. Packaged in darkened bottles, which in turn are placed in cardboard boxes. The product is sold through pharmacies; a prescription is not required for purchase.

The drug Formidron has disinfectant and deodorizing properties. Its composition is represented by 2 strong antiseptics - alcohol and formaldehyde (methanal). The latter component is active against the following microorganisms that pose varying degrees of threat to human feet:

  • moldy and yeast-like fungi;
  • gram-negative bacteria;
  • gram-positive bacteria.

Prescribed Formidron in the treatment and prevention of some yeast skin lesions, but not at the inflammatory stage. It can also be used to reduce sweating, as well as to eliminate phenomena accompanying the process, including unpleasant odors.

How does Formidron work against unpleasant odors?

The effectiveness of the product is determined by its composition. All 3 main active components specifically solve the problem, but approach the issue from different angles. Their actions:

  • Instructions for using Formidron for shoesethanol and formaldehyde disinfect, inhibit and kill microorganisms, and prevent their active reproduction;
  • cologne eliminates the odors emanating from both the feet themselves and alcohol with formaldehyde;
  • formaldehyde inhibits the secretion of sweat glands.

Important! Due to the effectiveness of each individual component, the drug allows you to achieve significant improvements after the first use. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

How to use Formidron correctly for foot odor?

You need to carry out hygiene procedures, let the skin dry, and only then resort to the product. It is applied differently to different parts of the foot.. The area between the toes is wiped with a moistened swab once a day for 2-3 days, no rinsing is required. The sole is processed once. After application, wait 20–30 minutes and then wash off the residue with warm water. Afterwards use a nourishing cream.

Important! On average, one treatment lasts for 7–12 days. Then the smell returns. To enhance the effect, you should treat not only your legs, but also other sweaty areas: palms, armpits. The drug should not come into contact with the face or mucous membranes.

How should they treat the shoes?

Before applying, you should wash your shoes thoroughly. Then it is allowed to dry, and then they begin to treat it with the product. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • legs and formidronthe insoles are removed;
  • soak a cotton pad with the preparation;
  • insoles are processed on both sides;
  • the inner cavity of the shoe is wiped (close attention is paid to problem areas - joints, seams; due to the fact that they are difficult for a person to reach, they become an excellent haven for germs);
  • the treated pair is packaged in a sealed bag (the insoles are not returned to the shoes, they are simply placed in the same bag with them);
  • wait 1–2 days;
  • the couple is taken out of the bag and ventilated for several hours;
  • return the insoles to their place.
  • You can put on shoes treated with Formidron only after thorough ventilation. This method is also suitable for preliminary care before putting shoes away in the closet until the next season.

Important! Wear gloves. When performing processing, do not skimp on funds. It evaporates quickly, so wet and change cotton pads often.

Precautionary measures

When used topically, Formidron does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not pose a threat to organs, but its use internally leads to damage to the nervous, visual and reproductive systems. Possible complications:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • nausea, bloody vomiting, diarrhea;
  • laryngeal edema, pulmonary edema, respiratory arrest;
  • panic attacks, convulsions, dizziness, problems with identifying oneself in space.

To avoid getting the product inside, a number of measures should be taken and some of its features should be taken into account:

  • shoe treatment with formidronthe drug tends to accumulate under the nails, so it is better to carry out processing with gloves;
  • The medication should not be applied to damaged skin; it will enter the bloodstream through the wound;
  • You cannot treat calluses with it, as they can burst at any moment and thereby give Formidron access to the internal organs.

When treating with the drug, you should exercise caution and restraint; you should not use it too often or actively. With prolonged uncontrolled use, the skin in the treated area becomes dry and begins to peel. The symptoms do not require treatment and go away on their own after stopping Formidron.

Also, one should not exclude the possibility of an inadequate immune response to the substances included in the composition. Formaldehyde belongs to the group of preservatives, and therefore allergies to it occur quite often.

Important! To reduce the consequences of an allergic reaction to the drug, before each use, first apply the liquid to a small area, wait 20-30 minutes, and only then proceed with a full-scale treatment of the foot.

Are there any contraindications to its use?

The drug is not prescribed to children and adolescents under the age of 16 for the reason that it has not passed the necessary tests. They simply weren't carried out. The fact of their absence should not be considered by parents as an argument for using the drug on their children, since formaldehyde is not an absolutely safe chemical compound and is extremely rarely allowed for use in pediatrics.

Important! The official instructions do not prohibit the use of the drug by pregnant women, but it makes sense to consult a doctor on the topic before you decide to treat your feet.

Formidron is also contraindicated in inflammatory processes of the skin of the lower extremities. It is not applied to wounds, abscesses, calluses and corns.. The presence of peeling and severe dryness in the treated area is a serious drawback to the use of the medication, just like the presence of an allergic reaction to any component included in the composition.

Time limit: the first day after shaving. The rule is relevant for those who are going to approach the problem of sweating in a comprehensive manner and start using the drug Formidron, including in the armpit area.

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