How and with what to remove black stripes on white shoes

Light-colored shoes often get dirty and there are black marks left on them, which spoil the appearance of the product. It is unlikely that they will be removed with ordinary water, since these are traces of rubber, not dirt. Other methods come to the rescue, which will be discussed in this article.

Scratches on white shoes

Effective products that remove black stripes from shoes

Washing stripes on shoes, knowing simple recommendations, will not be difficult. However, if the marks are not removed, then all that remains is to paint the item. A coloring pigment of the appropriate shade will neatly mask the stripes on patent leather and any other shoes, and you can continue to wear your favorite shoes. After all, light-colored shoes look good on both women's and men's feet. People buy it even knowing that it is not practical.

ATTENTION! Many people try to remove stains from white shoes with cologne. However, this method is ineffective and can only worsen the situation.

Melamine sponge

This type of sponge is a universal tool for removing streaks on hard surfaces. It is made from melamine rubber. It will delicately and completely remove stains from both dress shoes and sports pairs. In addition, the sponge easily removes ink stains. It must be moistened with water and squeezed thoroughly. Wash off the stripes carefully using the edge of a sponge.
Melamine sponge

Nail polish remover

The most understandable way for most people is to use a nail polish remover solution without acetone. Follow the instructions:

  1. Before starting work, it is important to wipe your shoes with a damp soft cloth so that there is no obvious dirt on them.
  2. Next, use a cotton pad or ear swab dipped in solvent to rub along the strip.
  3. It is not worth applying long-term mechanical pressure, as it can damage the texture.
  4. After completing the procedure, the product should be treated with a special cream.

IMPORTANT! If you're concerned that your favorite pair will change color after cleaning with nail polish remover, do a quick test on a small area first. It is better not to clean patent white shoes in this way.

White varnish with black stripes


Toothpaste or powder is suitable for cleaning sole marks on sneakers. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition with a brush to the problem area and wipe for a few seconds.

Wet wipes

Wipes can help solve this problem only if they are fresh and contain wine vinegar, sea salt or stain remover. Disinfectants will not work. They can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket. Car owners can use wipes to care for leather interiors. They carefully clean the surface, protecting it from drying out.It is better to use this method as soon as possible after identifying the problem.
Shoe shine


Newly formed and not yet ingrained marks can be wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in milk. After treatment, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth and polished with cream.
Removing black streaks from white shoes

How to remove stains from white patent leather shoes

However, for each type of material, a care method and special products should be selected. Lacquered material requires a special approach:

  1. Solvents and chemicals can only ruin the delicate surface.
  2. A guaranteed remedy is the use of milk. Next, it won’t hurt to rub the surface with a raw onion and polish it with a soft cloth.
  3. It is common to use egg white, which is rubbed into the stain.
  4. When the skin has already been cleaned, it should be dried without electrical appliances to prevent deformation of the material. It is better to fill the shoe with papers, which will absorb all the excess moisture.

Cleaning varnish

How to clean light suede and nubuck leather

Suede and nubuck have a fleecy texture. In shoe stores you can find special products for cleaning suede textures. You can remove black stripes from this type of shoe in different ways:

  1. Using both a special and an ordinary eraser, which can be found in every schoolchild’s pencil case. The light side is rubbed over the defect, but you should not rub near it, as streaks may form.
  2. Bleach or laundry soap, as well as a stain remover, will do. You cannot soak entire shoes. Only contaminated areas are treated. When using soap, apply it to the stain for 10-15 minutes and then clean it with a brush. Wash off the soap with clean warm water.
  3. Small stains are removed with damp wipes. They also often clean the inside surface of shoes.The product not only cleans well, but also disinfects.

REFERENCE! It is necessary to take care of your shoes in a timely manner, because it is much easier to eliminate the problem at an early stage.

Cleaning light suede

Wearing your shoes carelessly can result in unsightly black marks on your shoes. You can remove them not only in the workshop, but also with your own hands, but this will require a lot of effort. We hope that the tips offered in the article will help in solving this problem.

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